
This is a script for generating text spoilers and set checklists for Hearthstone.

Installation & Running

Python 3.6 or higher is required.

  1. Copy/clone the code to your computer
  2. In this directory, run python3 -m pip install --user -r requirements.txt (Requires pip)
  3. Run the code by running python3 -m hscards ... in this directory. (There are other possible ways to run the code, but let's just stick to one simple method here.)


By default, all commands fetch card data from https://hearthstonejson.com — specifically, https://api.hearthstonejson.com/v1/latest/enUS/cards.collectible.json. The c/--cards-file option can be used to specify a different file or URL in the same format to use instead.

spoiler command

python3 -m hscards [-c <cards-file>] spoiler [-I] [-o <outfile>]

Generate a file of text spoilers for all collectible Hearthstone cards. The spoilers look like this:

Name:   Explosive Trap
Type:   Spell — Secret
Cost:   2
Class:  Hunter
Text:   <b>Secret:</b> When your hero is attacked, deal 2 damage to all
Set:    Classic (Common)
Flavor: It traps your food AND cooks it for you!
Artist: Brandon Kitkouski

If the -I/--show-ids option is specified, the spoilers will also include each card's ID.

By default, the spoilers are written to cards.txt; the -o/--outfile option can be used to specify a different file.

checklists command

python3 -m hscards [-c <cards-file>] checklists [-d <output-dir>] [-f <txt|pdf>] [--full-names] [<set> ...]

Generate checklists for each collectible Hearthstone card set (either all sets or just those listed on the command line), one file per set. Files are created in the directory specified with the -d/--output-dir option (default: checklists) and are named either with each set's internal codename (e.g., the Basic set is CORE.txt and the Classic set is EXPERT1.txt) or, if the --full-names option is given, with each set's full display name (e.g., Basic.txt and Classic.txt). The checklist file format can be set with the -f/--format option: either txt (the default) or pdf.

