Proxy Pool

Service for scanning proxy with web server

Web server: When you will restart the proxy-pool-webserver.service, port will be already used, follow this command to solve problem: "fuser -k 8094/tcp"


You just need to install python-virtualenv and pip3 requirements

  • python3 -m venv venv
  • . venv/bin/activate
  • pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Systemd Services

Replace home/bpqvg/Dev/ to suitable script directory
  • systemctl daemon-reload (after coppying services to /etc/systemd/system/)
  • systemctl enable --now proxy-pool-* (enable all services in /etc/systemd/system/)
  • #systemctl list-timers (to check systemd timers)


MIT License
GitHub - h1w/proxy-pool: Search for proxies in real time. Proxy pool sorted by relevance (response rate).
Search for proxies in real time. Proxy pool sorted by relevance (response rate). - GitHub - h1w/proxy-pool: Search for proxies in real time. Proxy pool sorted by relevance (response rate).