Harvey – Discord Bot

Simple Discord bot for the Collectez community.


  • Ping the current status of Collectez’s Teztools node.
  • Steal emojis from image sources and add them to the current server.
  • Add or remove roles by emoji reaction. Reaction roles are managed with a Sqlite3 database.

Set Up


  1. Create an Application from the Discord Development Portal.
  2. Create a Bot for your application. Name it Harvey.
  3. Grab the Token and ID for your bot.
  4. Using the URL at the top of .env.example, fill in BOT_ID with your ID and invite Harvey to a server.

Environment Variables

  1. Copy .env.example and save as .env.
  2. Fill in BOT_TOKEN and BOT_ID values for your Discord bot.
    • Update the default BOT_PREFIX to use something other than ! if needed.
  3. Fill in NODE_NAME, NODE_STATUS_JSON, and NODE_STATUS_PAGE values for your Teztools node.
    • If you are using a different node provider, update the function in utils.get_node_status and the !node command as needed. You may not need these environment variables.


  1. Run pip install requirements.txt to install the necessary Python modules.
  2. Run python bot.py to launch Harvey.

User Commands

  • !help provide information about available commands.
    • Accepts optional command and subcommand parameters to provide info about specific functionality.
  • !steal add an emoji to the current server from an image source.
    • Accepts name and url parameters.
    • name is the emoji that will be used.
    • url must point to a PNG, JPEG, or GIF.
  • !node pulls the current status of Collectez’s private Teztools node.

Admin Commands

  • !log sets a logging channel to use for status outputs.
    • channel must be a Channel passed in to set this.
  • !rr manages reaction roles.
    • !rr add adds a reaction role for the current server.
      • emoji and role arguments must be passed in. One role per emoji is allowed.
      • An optional, multi-word desc can be included for each reaction role added.
      • The emoji must be a custom emoji in the current server. Default emojis are not supported by Discord.
    • !rr remove removes a reaction role from the current server.
      • emoji argument must be passed in.
    • !rr post creates a new reaction role post.
    • !rr check checks for all posts in the current server and removes records for non-existent posts from the database.
  • !role creates a new pingable role with a given name.
    • A role_name argument is required. A multi-word role name is allowed, but using _ is recommended over .

To Be Implemented:

  • Randomly selected message thumbnails for commands with Embed returns.
  • Follow Twitter accounts and output a feed of tweets based on requested keywords.
  • Monitor blockchain transactions and post notifications based on contract ID and transaction amount.
  • Set and manage recurring function calls.
  • Create and manage giveaways.
  • Spin up temporary nodes on a given RPS.
  • Other features TBD.


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