
Simple Python module for calculating bounding box (bbox) from given GeoJSON object.

Currently following GeoJSON objects are supported (RFC 7946):

  1. Point
  2. MultiPoint
  3. LineString
  4. MultiLineString
  5. Polygon
  6. MultiPolygon
  7. GeometryCollection


$ pip install gbbox


>>> from gbbox import LineString
>>> linestring_geojson = {
>>>     "type": "LineString",
>>>     "coordinates": [
>>>         [1.0, 2.0],
>>>         [3.0, 4.0]
>>>     ]
>>> }
>>> linestring = Point(**linestring_geojson)
>>> linestring_bbox = linestring.bbox()

>>> print(linestring_bbox)
>>> [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0]

>>> print(linestring.min_lon)
>>> 1.0


$ docker compose up -d
# Start bash within container and enter it
$ docker exec -it gbbox bash

Project will be automatically installed within docker container in an editable mode and any code changes will be immediately reflected. Keep in mind that if you have python shell running then you have to restart it.

You can also use make lint and make test as shortcuts to run linters and tests
