
Speed up image analysis in Python with efficient reading, batch-processing, viewing functions and easily extend your own function for batch processing.

Image analysis programatically is sometimes troublesome like ...

  1. for multi-dimensional images, you need to check which is time-axis and which is channel axis and so on.
  2. you need to consider the output data types and shapes for every batch image processing.
  3. you need to care about all the images' information such as the names and directories of original images.
  4. hard to edit images interactively.

As a result, isn't it faster to analyze images using ImageJ? This module solves these major problems of Python based image analysis and makes it much more effective.


pip install git+

impy is partly dependent on numba, trackpy, mrcfile and dask-image. Please install these packages if needed.


1. Handling Axes Easily

Image axes/scales are automatically read from file metadata and as a result, arrays support axis-targeted slicing like:

img["y=3,5,7"] = 0

Accordingly, broadcasting is more flexible. (tensor_annotations seems similar in this sense)

2. Automatic Batch Processing

Almost all the image processing functions can automatically iterate along all the axes needed. If you want to run batch Gaussian filter on a image hyperstack, just call img.gaussian_filter(), and the filtering function considers zyx-axes as a spatially connected dimensions and is repeated for every rest of axis like t, c. Prallel image processing is optimized for many function by temporarily converting into dask array. Check Image Analysis Tools for available functions.

You can even run batch processing with your own functions by decorating them with @ip.bind. See Integrating Your Own Functions part.

You may usually want to perform same filter function to images with different shapes and dimensions. DataList is a list-like object and it can iterate over all the images (or other objects) with __getattr__ method.

imglist = ip.DataList(imgs)
outputs = imglist.gaussian_filter(sigma=3) # filter is applied to all the images

3. Metadata and History

All the information, history and metadata are inherited to outputs, like:

    shape     : 10(t), 20(z), 256(y), 256(x)
  label shape : No label
    dtype     : uint16
  directory   : ...\images
original image: XXX
    history   : gaussian_filter(sigma=1)

Therefore, results can always be saved in the same directory, without copy-and-pasting paths.

4. Image Viewer

impy provides seamless interface between napari, a great image visualization tool. Image axes and other information are utilized before sending to napari.Viewer, so that you don't need to care about keyword arguments and what function should be called.

You can also manually crop or label ImgArray with napari's Shapes objects, or run impy functions inside the viewer. I also implemented useful custom keybindings and widgets. See Napari Interface for details.

5. Extended Numpy Functions

In almost all the numpy functions, the keyword argument axis can be given as the symbol of axis like:

np.mean(img, axis="z") # Z-projection
np.stack([img1, img2], axis="c") # color-merging

This is achieved by defining __array_function__ method. See here for details.

You can also make an ImgArray in a way similar to numpy:

ip.array([2,4,6], dtype="uint16")
ip.random.normal(size=(100, 100))

6. Reading Images Lazily

When you deal with large images, you may want to read just part of them to avoid waiting too long, or sometimes they are too large for the PC memory to read. In ImageJ there is an option called "virtual stack" but still it is not flexible enough.

In impy, there are several ways to efficiently deal with large datasets. See Image I/O for details.


  • ImgArray is an array mainly used for image analysis here. Many skimage's functions are wrapped in this class.
  • PropArray is an array that contains properties of another array, such as mean intensities of fixed regions of an array.
  • Label is also an array type while it is only used for labeling of another image and is always attached to it.
  • PhaseArray is an array that contains phase values. Unit (radian or degree) and periodicity are always tagged to itself so that you don't need to care about them.
  • MarkerFrame is a subclass of pandas.DataFrame and it is specialized in storing coordinates and markers, such as xyz-coordinates of local maxima. This class also supports axis targeted slicing df["x=4;y=5"]. Tracking methods are also available, which call trackpy inside.
  • TrackFrame is quite similar to MarkerFrame while it is only retuned when points are linked by particle tracking. It has information of track ID.
  • DataList can apply same method to all the data inside it.
  • LazyImgArray keeps memory map to an image as an dask array and you can access image metadata and slice the images without reading them. Some filter functions are supported in dask-image.
  • gui is a controller object that connects console and napari.Viewer.

Image Analysis Tools

ImgArray has a lot of member functions for image analysis. Some of them supports multiprocessing.

  • Drift/Aberration Correction

    • track_drift, drift_correction → Correction of xy-drift.
    • affine_correction → Correction of such as chromatic aberration using Affine transformation.
  • 2D/3D Deconvolution

    • wiener, lucy → Classical Wiener's and Richardson-Lucy's algorithm.
    • lucy_tv → Richardson-Lucy's algorithm with total variance (TV) regularization.
  • Filters

    • mean_filter, meadian_filter, gaussian_filter, directional_median_filter → Smoothing.
    • dog_filter, doh_filter, log_filter → Blob detection by DoG, DoH, LoG filter.
    • edge_filter, laplacian_filter → Edge detection.
    • std_filter, coef_filter → Standard deviation based filtering.
    • lowpass_filter, highpass_filter → FFT based filtering.
    • entropy_filter, enhance_contrast, gabor_filter → Object detection etc.
    • kalman_filter, wavelet_denoising, rof_filter → Advanced denoising methods.
  • Morphological Image Processing

    • erosion, dilation, opening, closing → Basic ones.
    • area_opening, area_closing, diameter_opening, diameter_closing → Advanced ones.
    • skeletonize, fill_hole → Binary processing.
    • count_neighbors → For structure detection in binary images.
    • remove_large_objects, remove_fine_objects remove_skeleton_structure → Detect and remove objects.
  • Single Molecule Detection

    • find_sm, peak_local_max → Return coordinates of single molecules.
    • centroid_sm, gauss_sm, refine_sm → Return coordinates in subpixel precision.
  • Background/Intensity Correction

    • rolling_ball, tophat → Background subtraction.
    • gaussfit, gauss_correction → Use Gaussian for image correction.
    • unmix → Unmixing of leakage between channels.
  • Labeling

    • label, label_if, label_threshold → Labeling using binary images.
    • specify → Labeling around coordinates.
    • append_label → Label images.
    • expand_labels, watershed, random_walker → Adjuct or segment labels.
  • Feature Detection

    • hessian_eigval, hessian_eig → Hessian.
    • structure_tensor_eigval, structure_tensor_eig → Structure tensor.
    • ncc, track_template → Template matching and tracking.
  • Gradient Orientation Estimation

    • edge_grad
  • Filament Orientation Estimation

    • hessian_angle → Using Hessian eigenvector's orientations.
    • gabor_angle → Using Gabor filter's responses.
  • Property Measurement

    • regionprops → Measure region properties such as mean intensity, Euler number, centroid, moment etc.
    • pathprops → Measure path properties such as mean intensity.
    • lineprops, pointprops → Measure line/point properties.
  • Texture Classification

    • lbp, glcm, glcm_props
  • Profiling

    • reslice → Get scan along a line or path.
    • radial_profile → Radial profiling of n-D images.
  • Others

    • focus_map → Find focus using variance of Laplacian method.
    • stokes → Analyze polarization using Stokes parameters.
    • fft, power_spectra, ifft → Fourier transformation.
    • threshold → Thresholding (many methods included).
    • crop_center, crop_kernel, remove_edges, rotated_crop → Crop image.
    • clip, rescale_intensity → Rescale the intensity profile into certain range.
    • proj → Z-projection along any axis.
    • split, split_pixel_unit → Split the image.
    • pad, defocus → Padding.
    • iter, for_each_channel → Easy iteration.
    • set_scale → set scales of any axes.
    • imshow → visualize 2-D or 3-D image with matplotlib.
    • imsave → save image (by default save in the directory that the original image was loaded).

Image I/O

impy provides useful I/O functions for effective image analysis.

  • impy.imread

    Load image and convert them into ImgArray. Many formats supported:

    1. >>> ip.imread(r"C:\Users\...\images.tif") ... read single tif file.
    2. >>> ip.imread(r"C:\Users\...\xx\*.tif") ... read all the tif files in a directory.
    3. >>> ip.imread(r"C:\Users\...\xx\**\*.tif") ... read all the tif files recursively.
    4. >>> ip.imread(r"C:\Users\...\images.tif", key="t=0") ... only read the first time frame (much more efficient for large datasets).
    5. >>> ip.imread(r"C:\Users\...\condition$i\image-pos$p.tif") ... read all the tif files in a certain pattern. In this case, paths such as "...\condition2\image-pos0.tif" are read and they are arranged into i/p-axes.
  • impy.imread_collection

    Load images into DataList. Wildcards are supported (like 2. and 3. in impy.imread examples).

    imgs = ip.imread_collection(r"C:\Users\...\xx\**\*.tif")
    ip.gui.add(imgs.kalman_filter()) # run Kalman filter for each image stack and view them in napari.
  • impy.lazy_imread

    Load an image lazily, i.e., image data is acturally read into memory only when it is needed. This function returns LazyImgArray, which cannot conduct operations but you can access metadata like those in ImgArray, by such as .axes, .shape, .dirpath, .scale etc.

    limg = ip.lazy_imread(r"C:\Users\...\xx\**\*.tif")
    print( # print GB of the image
    limg_center = limg["z=120;y=1000:2000;x=1500:2500"] # get a part of the image # get data as ImgArray

    With preview in napari, you can manually select a small region of the large image and read it into ImgArray.

    ip.gui.add(limg) # preview LazyImgArray
    ### In the napari window, add a shape layer, draw a rectangle and Ctrl+Shift+X to crop it###
    img = ip.gui.selection[0] # get the selected image layer as ImgArray

Napari Interface

impy.gui has methods for better interface between images and napari.


  • Add any objects (images, labels, points, ...) to the viewer by ip.gui.add(...).

  • Return all the manually selected layers' data by layers = ip.gui.selection.

  • Run ImgArray's method inside viewers.

  • Translate and rescale layers with mouse.

    • Alt + mouse drag → lateral translation
    • Alt + Shift + mouse drag → lateral translation restricted in either x- or y-orientation (left button or right button respectively).
    • Alt + mouse wheel → rescaling
    • Ctrl + Shift + R → reset original states.
  • Fast layer selection and manipulation.

    • Ctrl + Shift + A → Hide non-selected layers. Display all the layers by push again.
    • Ctrl + Shift + F → Move selected layers to front.
    • Alt + L → Convert all the shapes in seleted shape-layers into labels of selected image-layers.
    • Ctrl + Shift + D → Duplicate selected layers.
    • Ctrl + Shift + X → Crop selected image-layers with all the rectangles in selected shape-layers. Rotated cropping is also supported!
    • / → Reslice selected image-layers with all the lines and paths in selected shape-layers. Result is stored in ip.gui.results for now.
    • Ctrl + P → Projection of shape-layers or point-layers to 2D layers.
    • Ctrl + G / Ctrl + Shift + G → Link/Unlink layers. Like "grouping" in PowerPoint.
    • Shift + S / S → Add 2D/nD shape-layer.
    • Shift + P / P → Add 2D/nD point-layer.
  • Show coordinates of selected point-layers or track-layers. You can also copy it to clipboard.

  • Note pad in Window > Note.

  • Call impy.imread in File > imread .... Call impy.imsave in File > imsave ....

napari is now under development itself so I'll add more and more functions (I'm especially looking forward to layer group and text layer).

Integrating Your Own Functions

ImgArray is designed highly extensible. With impy.bind, You can easily integrate functions that converts:

  • image → image (image filtering, thresholding etc.)
  • image → scalar (measuring/estimating properties)
  • image → label (feature detection, image segmentation etc.)

Suppose you want to use imfilter, a image filtering function that works on float images, for batch processing of multi-dimensional images. Just write

import impy as ip
def imfilter(img, param=None):
    # do something for a 2D or 3D image.
    return out


ip.bind(imfilter, indtype="float32")

or in with-block for temporary usage

with ip.bind(imfilter, indtype="float32"):

and now it's ready to execute batch-imfilter!

img = ip.imread(r"...\images\XXX.tif")

This function is also accessible inside napari viewers.
