Urban Dictionary Bot

Telegram bot for Urban Dictionary.


Deploy to Heroku


  1. Tap on above button and fill API_ID, API_HASH, BOT_TOKEN.
  2. Then tap "Deploy App" below it. Wait till deploying is complete (will take atmost 2 minutes).
  3. After deploying is complete, tap on "Manage App"
  4. Check the logs to see if your bot is ready!

Local Deploying

  1. Clone the repo

    git clone https://github.com/StarkBotsIndustries/UrbanDictionaryBot
  2. Edit Config.py and fill the needed variables

  3. Enter the directory

    cd UrbanDictionaryBot
  4. Run the file

    python3 udbot.py

Environment Variables

Mandatory Vars


More features soon, this is a minimal example :)

  1. Usable in Inline Mode
  2. Add in groups
  3. Use in personal chat
  4. No need to browse ud anymore


That's on you mainly...

