
The rddl-client enables you to interact with the rddl-network.

The following interactions are currenlty supported:


The rddl-client installation requires pyhton above version 3.9 and an installation of peotry.

This can for example be done via pip install --upgrade poetry take care that the poetry binary is within your PATH enviornment variable.

Installing rddl-client

The rddl-client is a basic cmd-line tool to interact with the HW-03 hardware wallets of the rddl-network.

The rddl-client can be used from within the virtual environment after a successful installation.

The installation of the rddl-client can be easily conducted from the root directory of the repository via

poetry install

Using rddl-client

Please use poetry shell to enter the virtual python environemnt. Now, you can use the rddl-client as it comes. An alternative option is to run execute the command via poetry from the virtual environment poetry run rddl-client <command> --help.s


The following commands are currently supported

  • attest-data
  • attest-energy-consumption
  • attest-machine
  • create-seed
  • recover-seed

Please use rddl-client --help and rddl-client <command> --help to get clear instructions.


A cronjob description is within the file rddl-notarize-crontab. The following instruction will install the file and let you notarize the energyc-consumption every 15 minutes.

sudo cp rddl-notarize.crontab /etc/cron.d/rddl-notarize
sudo systemctl restart cron.service 

The outcome of the script is written to syslog. Use the folloing command to inspect the activities on your node

sudo grep rddl-client /var/log/syslog


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