
There is an impostor among us. Can you help us find out who it is?

Installation and Usage

Make sure to install Tesseract-OCR before running the script. A Zoom Meeting needs to be running on the foreground. Set the path of the installed Tesseract-OCR Executable.

pytesseract.pytesseract.tesseract_cmd = 'C:/Program Files (x86)/Tesseract-OCR/tesseract.exe'

Sussy Baka Analysis (SBA)

Guardian uses state-of-the-art, proprietory technology known as SBA or SB Analysis. Used by experts worldwide (although with varying terms), SBA prevents impostors from joining a Zoom call by constantly monitoring the SusTag-s of all the participants, a 3-4 letter code that uniquely identifies each one of them.

If it notices any participant without a designated, predefined SusTag, or with a copied/invalid SusTag, it immediately kicks/permamutes that participant (depending on setting), and will also inform chat about The Impostor if asked.

Impostors before..


Impostors after

.    。    •   ゚  。   .

   .      .     。   。 .  

.   。      ඞ 。 .    •     •

  ゚       Blue was An Impostor.  。 .

  ’  ゚   0 Impostors remain.     。

  ゚   .   . ,    .  .


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