
This program scrapes information and images for movies and TV shows.


For more information on the program, read the WebScrape_help text file (this can also be accessed while running the program).

For a given list of media, the program will scrape and save general information, images and any episode information for each media.

General Information (default):

Saved as a .txt file

This will scrape general information:

  • Title
  • Release date
  • Runtime
  • Genre
  • Director
  • Cast
  • Plot description

Additional information saved:

  • Source database used for scrape
  • ID for media in source database
  • Poster image link

Images (default):

Saved as a .jpg file

This will scrape the poster.

Episode Information (if specified):

Saved as a .csv file

This will scrape information for each episode for a TV show:

  • Season number
  • Episode number
  • Episode title
  • Episode air date
  • Episode description


  • Multithreaded scraping for media in list to greatly improve the time taken when scraping for large media lists.
  • Can generate a media list from folders and files in a specified directory or from user input.
  • Can specify save location for scraped data.
  • Can specify search tags for media list for a more accurate scrape.
  • Can choose to scrape all episode information for a TV show.
  • Can detect if data is already scraped which allows for scraping new media from an already scraped list of media very efficient.
  • Can recover missing scraped files if one or more are missing without rescraping all data.
  • Can retry the scrape before exiting the program if there were any incomplete scrapes (successfully scraped files will not be altered or rescraped).
  • Currently only supports scraping data from IMDb.


For more information on the program, read the WebScrape_help text file (this can also be accessed while running the program).

Currently a terminal-based program.

Running the program using python:

  • Requirements: Python 3.2+ (additional libraries: requests, beautifulsoup4)

Running the program from bundled executable file (created using pyinstaller):

  • Requirements: Windows 10
  • Creates a ‘temp’ folder containing extracted libraries and support files in the same location as the program while running.
    • The temporary files will delete automatically but if the program is closed abruptly, the files will remain.
    • The ‘temp’ folder can be manually deleted after closing the program.
    • (As of pyinstaller v4.7, a one-file bundled executable will leave any temp ‘_MEIxxxxxx’ folders if the program is force closed)


For information on version history, read the HISTORY markdown file.


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