RadarScenes Tools


viewer example

This python package provides fast visualization for the RadarScenes dataset.

The Open GL based visualizer is smoother than oleschum/radar_scenes, but has some functionality stripped off to be more suitable for an online visualization setting.


The package is designed for Python versions >=3.8.

Navigate to the repo root:

cd vispy_radar_scenes

Install inside your virtual environment using:

pip install .


python setup.py install

Virtual Environment

It is highly recommended to install the package in its own virtual environment. To do so, create a virtual environment prior to installation of the package:

python3 -m venv ~/.virtualenvs/radar_scenes

This will create a python virtual environment called radar_scenes in the folder .virtualenvs in your home directory.

This environment can be activated via

source ~/.virtualenvs/radar_scenes/bin/activate

An active virtual environment is indicated by a preceding (radar_scenes) line before the usual bash prompt.

Once the virtual environment is active, the package can be installed with the command

cd vispy_radar_scenes
pip install .


Please refer to www.radar-scenes.com to get instructions on how to cite the data set.


After successful installation, the vispy_radar_scenes package is available in your python environment.

Radar Data Viewer

During installation, the command rad_viewer is made available. If you have installed the package into a virtual environment, this command is only available while the virtual environment is active.

Calling vispy_rad_viewer launches the radar data viewer. As an optional command line argument, a path to a *.json file from the RadarScenes dataset can be provided. The sequence will then be loaded directly on start up.


$ vispy_rad_viewer ~/datasets/radar_scenes/data/sequence_128/scenes.json

The time slider itself or the arrow keys on your keyboard can be used to scroll through the sequence.


This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.

Notice, however, that the RadarScenes data set itself comes with a different license.


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