TMTC Commander Core

This module is a generic tool for satellite developers to perform TMTC (Telemetry and Telecommand) handling and testing via different communication interfaces. Currently, only the PUS standard is implemented as a packet standard. This tool can be used either as a command line tool or as a GUI tool but the GUI capabilities are still in an alpha state. The generic parts were decoupled from the former TMTC program to allow for easier adaption to other missions.

This commander application was first developed by KSat for the SOURCE project to test the on-board software but has evolved into a more generic tool for satellite developers to perform TMTC (Telemetry and Telecommand) handling and testing via different communication interfaces. Currently, only the PUS standard is implemented as a packet standard. This tool can be used either as a command line tool or as a GUI tool. The GUI features require a PyQt5 installation.

This client currently supports the following communication interfaces:

  1. TCP/IP with UDP and TCP
  2. Serial Communication using fixed frames or a simple ASCII based transport layer
  3. QEMU, using a virtual serial interface

The TMTC commander also includes a Space Packet and a ECSS PUS packet stack. Some of these components might be moved to an own library soon, so they were decoupled from the rest of the TMTC commander components.


The example folder contains a simple example using a dummy communication interface. It can be run like this on Linux

cd example

or on Windows

cd example

The SOURCE implementation of the TMTC commander provides a more complex implementation.


All tests are provided in the src/test folder and can be run with coverage information by running

coverage run -m pytest

provided that pytest and coverage were installed with

python3 -m pip install coverage pytest


On Ubuntu, if pip is not installed yet, you can install it with

sudo apt-get install python3-pip

It is recommended to use Python 3.8. For developers, it is recommended to add this repostiory as a submodule with the following command:

git submodule add

For the following commands, replace python3 with py on Windows. After that, you can install the package in an editable mode with the following command:

cd tmtccmd
python3 -m pip install -e .

To also install the requirements for the GUI mode, run this command instead

cd tmtccmd
python3 -m pip install -e .[gui]

Omit the -e for a regular installation. Alternatively you can now install the package from PyPI with python3 -m pip install -e tmtccmd[gui].
