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Hidend is a simple multitool for finding website backend ips hiding behind a ddos protection like cloudflare for example or even websites hiding behind tor. Hidend can be used to perform ip history checks, subdomain scans, http response checks, favicon hash matching with shodan and censys SSL certificate matching.


git clone https://github.com/cybertoolbank/hidend/

cd hidend

bash setup.sh


cd hidend

python3 hidend.py

Tools Included

Obtain Favicon Hash: This option will obtain the favicon from
the path you give and generate base64 hash out of it, which
it will then put inside a shodan.io search query ready for
you to paste inside shodan.io. We cannot automate this,
because the shodan API plan that allows using this filter
costs for the user. This method is good for finding backend
ips, because hosts with direct ip access will be exposed and
could be using the same favicon.

Subdomain Scan: This option will scan a website for possible
subdomains, and then check the DNS A record for you. This might
help you find misconfigured subdomains, if one subdomain has a
different ip than the other subdomains it might be a sign of
misconfigured DNS records which might expose the backend ip,
but thats not always the case. If you want to change the
default wordlist you will need to edit the subdomains.txt file.

Domain Ip History: This option will check a domains ip history.
This is useful if the backends ip was directly pointed to the
domain before proxying the traffic trough a ddos protection like
cloudflare for example.

Ssl Certificate Fingerprint Search: This option will give you a
censys search query, which allows you to see if your configuration is
exposing the SSL certificate when directly connecting to your IP.

Http Response Checker: This option will send a request to given URL
and print the response for you to look at. The response might contain
all kinds of useful information for finding the website backend like
unique HTTP Headers.


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