Project Tutel

Tutel MoE: An Optimized Mixture-of-Experts Implementation.

  • Supported Framework: Pytorch
  • Supported GPUs: CUDA(fp32 + fp16), ROCm(fp32)

How to setup Tutel MoE for Pytorch:

* Install Online:

        $ python3 -m pip install --user --upgrade git+[email protected]

* Build from Source:

        $ git clone
        $ python3 ./tutel/ install --user

How to use Tutel-optimized MoE in Pytorch:

* Tutel MoE Example:

        moe_layer = MOELayer('Top2Gate', model_dim, experts={
            'count_per_node': 2,
            'type': 'ffn', 'hidden_size_per_expert': 1024, 'activation_fn': lambda x: F.relu(x), ..
        y = moe_layer(x)

* Usage of MOELayer Args:

        gate             : the string type of MOE gate, e.g: Top1Gate, Top2Gate, Top3Gate, Top4Gate
        model_dim        : the number of channels for MOE's input tensor
        experts          : a dict-type config for builtin expert network, or a torch.nn.Module-type custom expert network
        fp32_gate        : option of enabling mixed precision for gate network
        scan_expert_func : allow users to specify a lambda function to iterate each experts param, e.g. `scan_expert_func = lambda name, param: setattr(param, 'expert', True)`
        result_func      : allow users to specify a lambda function to format the MoE output and aux_loss, e.g. `result_func = lambda output: (output, output.l_aux)`
        group            : specify the explicit communication group of all_to_all
        seeds            : a tuple containing a pair of int to specify manual seed of (shared params, local params)

* Usage of dict-type Experts Config:

        count_per_node   : the number of local experts per device (by default, the value is 1 if not specified)
        type             : available built-in experts implementation, e.g: ffn
        hidden_size_per_expert : the hidden size between two linear layers for each expert (used for type == 'ffn' only)
        activation_fn    : the custom-defined activation function between two linear layers (used for type == 'ffn' only)

* Running MoE Hello World Model by torch.distributed.all_reduce:

        $ python3 -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=1 ./examples/

* Running MoE Hello World Model by torch.nn.parallel.DistributedDataParallel (requires torch >= 1.8.0):

        $ python3 -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=1 ./examples/


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GitHub - microsoft/tutel: Tutel MoE: An Optimized Mixture-of-Experts Implementation
Tutel MoE: An Optimized Mixture-of-Experts Implementation - GitHub - microsoft/tutel: Tutel MoE: An Optimized Mixture-of-Experts Implementation