
Two modules that display rates of fiat currencies and cryptocurrencies




  1. Clone the repository somewhere
  2. Move (or create symlink from dotfiles) the scripts and to ~/.config/polybar/scripts
  3. Make them executable:

sudo chmod u+x ~/.config/polybar/scripts/
sudo chmod u+x ~/.config/polybar/scripts/

Then in ~/.config/polybar/config.ini create and use the modules:

modules-right = crypto

modules-right = fiat

type = custom/script
exec = ~/.config/polybar/scripts/
interval = 300
label-foreground = #FAFAD2

type = custom/script
exec = ~/.config/polybar/scripts/
interval = 300
label-foreground = #9DE5DD 

You can see an example of the configuration here.


In the screenshots this font was used for cryptocurrencies. For fiat currencies was used Material Design Icons.

If you don’t know how to use custom icons in polybar – this video will help you)

Installing these fonts in the Archlinux:

yay -S ttf-material-design-icons-git cryptocoins-git

If using the cryptocoins icon font or Material Disign Icons, ensure that the following lines is present in your ~/.config/polybar/config.ini:

font-0 = cryptocoins:size=11;2 
font-2 = Material Design Icons:size=12;2 

(Don’t forget that fonts can overlap each other, so it is important to place cryptocoins above)

Fullscreen examples:

screen screen


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