
Code for EMNLP’21 paper “Types of Out-of-Distribution Texts and How to Detect Them”


  • fine_tune.py is used to finetune the GPT-2 models, and roberta_fine_tune.py is used to finetune the Roberta models.
  • perplexity.py and msp_eval.py is used to find the PPLs and MSPs of a dataset pair’s exxamples using the finetuned model.

How to run

These steps show how to train both density estimation and calibration models on the MNLI dataset, and evaluated against SNLI.

A differet dataset pair can be used by updating the approriate dataset_name or id_data/ood_data values as shown below:

Training the Density Estimation Model (GPT-2)

Two options:

  1. Using HF Datasets –

    python fine_tune.py --dataset_name glue --dataset_config_name mnli --key premise --key2 hypothesis

    This also generates a txt train file corresponding to the dataset’s text.

  2. Using previously generated txt file –

    python fine_tune.py --train_file data/glue_mnli_train.txt --fname glue_mnli"

Finding Perplexity (PPL)

This uses the txt files generated after running fine_tune.py to find the perplexity of the ID model on both ID and OOD validation sets –

python perplexity.py --model_path ckpts/gpt2-$id_data/ --dataset_path data/${ood_data}_val.txt --fname ${id_data}_$ood_data

python perplexity.py --model_path ckpts/gpt2-$id_data/ --dataset_path data/${id_data}_val.txt --fname ${id_data}_$id_data

Training the Calibration Model (RoBERTa)

Two options:

  1. Using HF Datasets –

    python roberta_fine_tune.py --task_name $id_data --output_dir /scratch/ua388/roberta_ckpts/roberta-$id_data --fname ${id_data}_$id_data
  2. Using txt file generated earlier –

    python roberta_fine_tune.py --train_file data/mnli/${id_data}_conditional_train.txt --val_file data/mnli/${id_data}_val.txt --output_dir roberta_ckpts/roberta-$id_data --fname ${id_data}_$id_data"

    The *_conditional_train.txt file contains both the labels as well as the text.

Finding Maximum Softmax Probability (MSP)

Two options:

  1. Using HF Datasets –

    python msp_eval.py --model_path roberta_ckpts/roberta-$id_data --dataset_name $ood_data --fname ${id_data}_$ood_data
  2. Using txt file generated earlier –

    python msp_eval.py --model_path roberta_ckpts/roberta-$id_data --val_file data/${ood_data}_val.txt --fname ${id_data}_$ood_data --save_msp True

Evaluating AUROC

  1. Compute AUROC of PPL using compute_auroc in utils.py

    id_data = 'glue_mnli'
    ood_data = 'snli'
    id_pps = utils.read_model_out(f'output/gpt2/{id_data}_{id_data}_pps.npy')
    ood_pps = utils.read_model_out(f'output/gpt2/{id_data}_{ood_data}_pps.npy')
    score = compute_auroc(id_pps, ood_pps)
  2. Compute AUROC of MSP –

     id_data = 'mnli'
     ood_data = 'snli'
     id_msp = utils.read_model_out(f'output/roberta/{id_data}_{id_data}_msp.npy')
     ood_msp = utils.read_model_out(f'output/roberta/{id_data}_{ood_data}_msp.npy')
     score = compute_auroc(-id_msp, -ood_msp)


GitHub - uditarora/ood-text-emnlp: Code for EMNLP′21 paper “Types of Out-of-Distribution Texts and How to Detect Them”
Code for EMNLP'21 paper "Types of Out-of-Distribution Texts and How to Detect Them" - GitHub - uditarora/ood-text-emnlp: Code for EMNLP'21 paper "Types of Out-of-Distribution...