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XPandas (extended Pandas) implements 1D and 2D data containers for storing type-heterogeneous tabular data of any type, and encapsulates feature extraction and transformation modelling in an sklearn-compatible transformer interface.


Install the latest version

$ pip install xpandas

and run the example jupyter notebook

$ jupyter examples/ExampleUsage.ipynb


The full documentation is available at https://alan-turing-institute.github.io/xpandas/.


  • Bernd Bischl (@berndbischl), who mentioned the idea of a general data container with transformers attached to columns in personal discussion with Franz Kiraly during a London visit in 2016.
  • Franz Kiraly (@fkiraly), who initiated and funded the project up to release, and who substantially contributed to the API design.
  • Haoran Xue (@HaoranXue), who, under the supervision of Franz Kiraly, earlier completed a thesis for a degree at UCL on the topic, and who wrote a similar package as part of it. No code was re-used in the creation of the XPandas package.

List of developers and contributors

