AddOns Update Tool

Tool to update World of Warcraft AddOns hosted on GitHub


  • Pure Python: only Dulwich and Colorlog
  • Multithreaded tasks
  • Manual and automatic modes
  • Able to start the game after an updates
  • Automatic backup of updatable AddOns (up to the last 5)
  • Automatic detection of AddOn directories (aka modules)


Before running this script for the first time, I STRONGLY RECOMMEND making a backup of your Interface folder: something bad is unlikely to happen, but just in case

Configuration file

Before using this script, you need to configure the list of repositories (AddOns) for updating.
Just see how this is done in the config_example.json file. In general terms, it is a simple JSON file, where you need to specify the repository URL and the branch you want to clone (usually it will be master or main):

	"URL1" : "master",
	"URL2" : "master"

Note that curly brackets, quotation marks, colons, and commas are mandatory characters in JSON structure

Help page

When you run the script from the release version or the source code with the -h parameter, the help page will be displayed:

optional arguments
Argument Abbrev Description Example
–help -h show help message and exit -h
–start -s start Wow.exe after update -s
–verbose verbose debug output –verbose
required arguments
Argument Abbrev Description Example
–vault -v new or existing Vault name -v github
–wow -w path to Wow.exe -w “G:\World of Warcraft 3.3.5a HD\Wow.exe”
–config -c path to json config file -c “.\config_335a.json”

Launching from RELEASE version

  1. Download latest release
  2. Unpack to any folder
  3. Copy and edit config.json as you need (see Configuration paragraph)
  4. Run app with the -h parameter via cmd or powershell to read the help
  5. As an example, use one of the following commands:
    .\app.exe -v github -w ..\wow\Wow.exe -c .\config.json -s --verbose
    .\AddOnsUpdateTool.exe -v github -w ..\wow\Wow.exe -c .\config.json -s --verbose
    or the next one if you put AddOnsUpdateTool.exe and config.json in the game folder:
    .\AddOnsUpdateTool.exe -v github -w -c -s --verbose
    or even just start AddOnsUpdateTool.exe inside game folder
  6. If you want, you can create a shortcut to start with the necessary arguments and place it on the desktop or start menu

Launching from SOURCE code

Running the script from source code will require some knowledge of both Git and Cmd/Powershell


  • Install Python 3.8 (recommended)
  • Install Pipenv package via pip install -U pipenv


  • Clone this repository
  • Run pipenv install inside repository directory
  • If successful, you can use pipenv shell to open Pipenv Venv Shell inside


  • Use python .\ -h inside Pipenv Venv Shell to see the help page

Dev dependencies

If you want to change something in the code, I strongly recommend that you set the PEP-8 code formatter black and pyinstaller via pipenv install --dev command. Dont forget to re-format code after changes to keep it within the PEP-8.

Creating an EXE

To package a set of scripts into a standalone distributable directory, or a single EXE file, use the pyinstaller module:

  • pipenv run pyinstaller --onefile .\ — for single EXE file (smaller size, but slower runtime due to the temp cache)
  • pipenv run pyinstaller .\AddonsUpdateTool_dir.spec — for standalone directory (larger whole folder size, but fast runtime)

Additional information

In addition to I also provide scripts to manually update the Vault DB and the Game DB: and You can also use the -h argument to view the help page


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