Climbing web app

This is a webapp for keeping track of your progression in climbing. It is made using Python 3.10, Django 4.0. It has three pages: Home, Goals and Account. All the data is
user specific so before you can display or add any data in these pages you have to register an account and login. Home page has two graphs. One displays how many training sessions
you have done in last five weeks. The other one is for hardest climbs you have done each week. There is also two forms so you can add more data to the database and it will display
it in those charts.


Goals page is for you personal goals. So there is list of completed goals and list of current goals. You can add more goals or complete/delete your current goals.


Account page is very simple page where you can see some stats of your account. There is also buttons for registering new account, logout and login.



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