Wordle Solver

Python CLI script to solve wordles.

You need at least python 3.8 installed to run this. No dependencies.

Sample Usage

Let’s say the wordle is “blank”.

$ python3 main.py
Provide feedback in terms of initial of color of feedback. Use 'x' for when the letter is marked as black. This script does recognize the high-contrast colors. e.g. xxygx if the result was 'black', 'black', 'yellow', 'green', black'. Hit ^D (control+D) if you've solved it.
Try the word "arose"
How was it?

You then type yxxxx into the prompt.

How was it? yxxxx
Try the word "caama"
How was it?

Which, as it turns out, is in your computer’s word list, but not in wordle’s word list. So you type “invalid”.

How was it? invalid
Try the word "liana"
How was it?

Which has 3 correct letters. Two of which are in the right spot. So, you type yxggx.

How was it? yxggx
Try the word "plant"
How was it?

Which is close, but not quite right. You type xgggx at the prompt.

How was it? xgggx
Try the word "blanc"
How was it?

Which, again, for me, is another word that’s not in wordle’s word list. But, it comes around and suggests “clang”.

How was it? invalid
Try the word "clang"
How was it?

Which has the same issue as before, xgggx.

How was it? xgggx
Try the word "bland"
How was it? 

Almost there! You type ggggx, and then it comes back and suggests “blank”. Which is the correct word. You can either type ggggg or just enter control+d to exit. It’ll congratulate you, then exit.


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