
Don't worry about downloading/extracting ChEMBL or versioning - just use chembl_downloader to write code that knows how to download it and use it automatically.


$ pip install chembl-downloader


Download A Specific Version

import chembl_downloader

path ='28')

After it's been downloaded and extracted once, it's smart and does not need to download again. It gets stored
using pystow automatically in the ~/.data/chembl

We'd like to implement something such that it could load directly into SQLite from the archive, but it appears this is
a paid feature.

Download the Latest Version

First, you'll have to install bioversions
with pip install bioversions, whose job it is to look up the latest version of many databases. Then, you can modify
the previous code slightly by omitting the version keyword argument:

import chembl_downloader

path =

The version keyword argument is available for all functions in this package (e.g., including
connect(), cursor(), and query()), but will be omitted below for brevity.

Automate Connection

Inside the archive is a single SQLite database file. Normally, people manually untar this folder then
do something with the resulting file. Don't do this, it's not reproducible!
Instead, the file can be downloaded and a connection can be opened automatically with:

import chembl_downloader

with chembl_downloader.connect() as conn:
    with conn.cursor() as cursor:
        cursor.execute(...)  # run your query string
        rows = cursor.fetchall()  # get your results

The cursor() function provides a convenient wrapper around this operation:

import chembl_downloader

with chembl_downloader.cursor() as cursor:
    cursor.execute(...)  # run your query string
    rows = cursor.fetchall()  # get your results

Run a query and get a pandas DataFrame

The most powerful function is query() which builds on the previous connect() function
in combination with pandas.read_sql
to make a query and load the results into a pandas DataFrame for any downstream use.

import chembl_downloader

sql = """
WHERE molecule_dictionary.pref_name IS NOT NULL

df = chembl_downloader.query(sql)
df.to_csv(..., sep='\t', index=False)

Suggestion 1: use pystow to make a reproducible file path that's portable to other people's machines
(e.g., it doesn't have your username in the path).

Suggestion 2: RDKit is now pip-installable with pip install rdkit-pypi, which means most users don't have
to muck around with complicated conda environments and configurations. One of the powerful but understated
tools in RDKit is the rdkit.Chem.PandasTools

Store in a Different Place

If you want to store the data elsewhere using pystow (e.g., in pyobo
I also keep a copy of this file), you can use the prefix argument.

import chembl_downloader

# It gets downloaded/extracted to 
# ~/.data/pyobo/raw/chembl/29/chembl_29/chembl_29_sqlite/chembl_29.db
path =['pyobo', 'raw', 'chembl'])

See the pystow documentation on configuring the storage
location further.

The prefix keyword argument is available for all functions in this package (e.g., including
connect(), cursor(), and query()).

Download via CLI

After installing, run the following CLI command to ensure it and send the path to stdout

$ chembl_downloader

Use --test to show two example queries

$ chembl_downloader --test
