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A better and faster multiple selection widget with suggestions for Django

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What is this?

This plugin provides a replacement for standard multi-choice select on Django admin pages.

You can use this as custom widget for ManyToManyField.


  • Filtering is performed on server side and thus significantly improves performance.
  • Uses Twitter Typeahead to provide suggestion completion.
  • Works great with ManyToMany fields that can be chosen from thousands of thousands of choices, e. g. User - City relations.






  1. Install django-searchable-select.

    $ pip install django-searchable-select
  2. Add ‘searchableselect’ to your settings.

        # ...
        # ...
  3. Add URL pattern required for the suggesting engine to your root

    urlpatterns = patterns(
        # ...
        url('^searchableselect/', include('searchableselect.urls')),
        # ...
  4. Use the widget in your model admin class:

    from django import models, forms
    from searchableselect.widgets import SearchableSelect
    from models import Traveler
    class TravelerForm(forms.ModelForm):
        class Meta:
            model = Traveler
            exclude = ()
            widgets = {
                'cities_visited': SearchableSelect(model='cities.City', search_field='name', many=True, limit=10)
    class TravelerAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
        form = TravelerForm, TravelerAdmin)

    Remember to always initialize SearchableSelect with three keyword arguments: model, search_field and many.

    • model is the string in form APP_NAME.MODEL_NAME representing your model in the project, e. g. ‘cities.City’
    • search_field is the field within model that will be used to perform filtering, e. g. ‘name’
    • many must be True for ManyToManyField and False for ForeignKey.
    • limit (optional) specifies the maximum count of entries to retrieve.

Example app

Just run the project from example directory, head to, login as admin/admin and try adding Cats!

Supported versions

  • Python 2.7.x: Django 1.7, 1.8, 1.9, 1.10
  • Python 3.x: Django 1.8, 1.9, 1.10, 2.0


In order to support multiple Django and Python versions we use:

  • py.test – test runner
  • tox – handy tool to test app with different versions of Pythons & libraries
  • selenium
  • coverage

Install them via pip install -r requirements/dev.txt

To test things in specific environment, run the following commands:

<div class="highlight highlight-source-shell position-relative" data-snippet-clipboard-copy-content="# Clear previous coverage data.
coverage erase

# This command can be ran multiple times.
tox -e –
# Possible python_ver values: `py27`, `py36`
# Possible django_ver values: `17`, `18`, `19`, `110`, ’20’
# Values can be comma-separated, e. g. `-e py27-17,py27-18,py36-18`
# If you omit `-e …` parameter, all environments will be tests.
# Also – not problems with running this within a virtualenv.
# Check tox.ini for these values.

# Run this once all tests passed on all environment.
coverage combine

# Render HTML with coverage info.
coverage html
# …or simply display % of covered SLOC for each file.
coverage report

# Clear previous coverage data.
coverage erase

# This command can be ran multiple times.
tox -e <python_ver>-<django_ver>
# Possible python_ver values: `py27`, `py36`
# Possible django_ver values: `17`, `18`, `19`, `110`, '20'
# Values can be comma-separated, e. g. `-e py27-17,py27-18,py36-18`
# If you omit `-e ...` parameter, all environments will be tests.
# Also - not problems with running this within a virtualenv.
# Check tox.ini for these values.

# Run this once all tests passed on all environment.
coverage combine

# Render HTML with coverage info.
coverage html
# ...or simply display % of covered SLOC for each file.
coverage report