
A GUI providing an audio interface to GPT3. We support conversations with most public figures and provide a number of other pre-built tasks including:

  • Summarization
  • Explain like I'm 5
  • Translation
  • How To (step by step instructions for performing everyday tasks)
  • Writing Style Analysis
  • MMA Fight Analysis and Prediction
  • Explain machine learning concepts in simple language
    • Generate ML paper abstracts


In conversation mode, you can chat with a number of pre-defined personas or add new ones:

In task mode, you can ask GPT3 to perform a number pre-defined tasks. Written and spoken input are both supported. By default, GPT3's response is both displayed in writing and read aloud.

Transcripts of responses from a subset of non-conversation tasks can be found in the data/completion directory.

Project Members

  • Harrison Mamin

Repo Structure

├── data         # Raw and processed data. Actual files are excluded from github.
├── notes        # Miscellaneous notes stored as raw text files.
├── notebooks    # Jupyter notebooks for experimentation and exploratory analysis.
├── reports      # Markdown reports (performance reports, blog posts, etc.)
├── bin          # Executable scripts to be run from the project root directory.
├── lib          # Python package. Code can be imported in analysis notebooks, py scripts, etc.
└── services     # Serve model predictions through a Flask/FastAPI app.

