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msgspec is a fast and friendly implementation of the MessagePack protocol for Python 3.8+. In addition to serialization/deserialization, it supports runtime message validation using schemas defined via Python’s type annotations.

from typing import Optional, List
import msgspec

# Define a schema for a `User` type
class User(msgspec.Struct):
    name: str
    groups: List[str] = []
    email: Optional[str] = None

# Create a `User` object
alice = User("alice", groups=["admin", "engineering"])

# Serialize `alice` to `bytes` using the MessagePack protocol
serialized_data = msgspec.encode(alice)

# Deserialize and validate the message as a User type
user = msgspec.Decoder(User).decode(serialized_data)

assert user == alice

msgspec is designed to be as performant as possible, while retaining some of the nicities of validation libraries like pydantic. For supported types, serializing a message with msgspec can be ~2-4x faster than alternative libraries.

See the documentation for more information.


New BSD. See the License File.
