
A honeypot for the Log4Shell vulnerability (CVE-2021-44228).

License: GPLv3.0


  • Listen on various ports for Log4Shell exploitation.
  • Detect exploitation in request line and headers.
  • Log to file and Azure blob storage.


  1. Install Poetry: curl -sSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/python-poetry/poetry/master/get-poetry.py | python3 -
  2. Fetch this GitHub repository git clone https://github.com/thomaspatzke/Log4Pot.git
  3. Change directory into the local copy with cd Log4Pot
  4. Install dependencies: poetry install
  5. Put parameters into log4pot.conf.
  6. Run: poetry run python log4pot.py @log4pot.conf

Alternatively, you can also run log4pot without external dependencies:

$ python log4pot.py @log4pot.conf

This will run log4pot without support for logging to Azure blob storage.

Analyzing Logs with JQ

List payloads from exploitation attempts:

select(.type == "exploit") | .payload

Decode all base64-encoded payloads from JNDI exploit:

select(.type == "exploit" and (.payload | contains("Base64"))) | .payload | sub(".*/Base64/"; "") | sub ("}$"; "") | @base64d


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