FedJAX: Federated learning with JAX

What is FedJAX?

FedJAX is a library for developing custom Federated Learning (FL) algorithms in JAX. FedJAX prioritizes ease-of-use and is intended to be useful for anyone with knowledge of NumPy.

FedJAX is built around the common core components needed in the FL setting:

  • Federated datasets: Clients and a dataset for each client
  • Models: CNN, ResNet, etc.
  • Optimizers: SGD, Momentum, etc.
  • Federated algorithms: Client updates and server aggregation

For Models and Optimizers, FedJAX provides lightweight wrappers and containers that can work with a variety of existing implementations (e.g. a model wrapper that can support both Haiku and Stax). Similarly, for Federated datasets, TFF provides a well established API for working with federated datasets, and FedJAX just provides utilties for converting to NumPy input acceptable to JAX.

However, what FL researchers will find most useful is the collection and customizability of Federated algorithms provided out of box by FedJAX.


The FedJAX Intro notebook provides an introduction into running existing FedJAX experiments. For more custom use cases, please refer to the FedJAX Advanced notebook.

You can also take a look at some of our examples:


You will need Python 3.6 or later and a working JAX installation. For a CPU-only version:

pip install --upgrade pip
pip install --upgrade jax jaxlib  # CPU-only version

For other devices (e.g. GPU), follow these instructions.

Then, install fedjax from PyPi:

pip install fedjax

Or, to upgrade to the latest version of fedjax:

pip install --upgrade git+https://github.com/google/fedjax.git

Useful pointers

NOTE: FedJAX is not an officially supported Google product. FedJAX is still in the early stages and the API will likely continue to change.

