
Sanic Security is an authentication and authorization library made easy, designed for use with Sanic.
This library is intended to be easy, convenient, and contains a variety of features:

  • Easy login and registering
  • Captcha
  • SMS and email verification
  • JWT
  • Password recovery
  • Wildcard permissions
  • Role permissions
  • Easy database integration
  • Blueprints
  • Completely async

This repository has been starred by Sanic's core maintainer:


Getting Started

In order to get started, please install pip.


  • pip
sudo apt-get install python3-pip


  • Install pip packages
pip3 install sanic-security


Once Sanic Security is configured and good to go, implementing is easy as pie.

Initial Setup

Familiarity with Sanic and Tortoise ORM
is recommended.

First you have to create a configuration file called security.ini in the project directory. Make sure Python's
working directory is the project directory. Below is an example of its contents:

WARNING: You must set a custom secret or you will compromise your encoded sessions.


models=sanic_security.models, example.models


[email protected]
[email protected]

You may remove each section below TORTOISE in the configuration you aren't using. For example, if you're not utilizing Twillio you can
delete the TWILLIO section.

Once you've configured Sanic Security, you can initialize Sanic with the example below:

if __name__ == "__main__":"", port=8000, debug=True)

All request bodies must be sent as form-data. The tables in the below examples represent example request form data.


  • Registration (With all verification requirements)

Phone can be null or empty.

Key Value
username test
email [email protected]
phone 19811354186
password testpass
captcha Aj8HgD"api/auth/register")
async def on_register(request, captcha_session):
    two_step_session = await register(request)
    await two_step_session.text_code() # Text verification code.
    await two_step_session.email_code() # Or email verification code.
    response = json("Registration successful!", two_step_session.account.json())
    return response
  • Registration (Without verification requirements)

Phone can be null or empty.

Key Value
username test
email [email protected]
phone 19811354186
password testpass"api/auth/register")
async def on_register(request):
    account = await register(request, verified=True)
    return json("Registration Successful!", account.json())
  • Verify Account
Key Value
code G8ha9nVae"api/auth/verify")
async def on_verify(request, two_step_session):
    await verify_account(two_step_session)
    return json("You have verified your account and may login!", two_step_session.json())
  • Login
Key Value
email [email protected]
password testpass"api/auth/login")
async def on_login(request):
    authentication_session = await login(request)
    response = json("Login successful!", authentication_session.account.json())
    return response
  • Requires Authentication
async def on_authenticated(request, authentication_session):
    return json(f"Hello {authentication_session.account.username}! You are now authenticated.", 
  • Logout"api/auth/logout")
async def on_logout(request, authentication_session):
    await logout(authentication_session)
    response = json("Logout successful!", authentication_session.account.json())
    return response


You must download a .ttf font for captcha challenges and define the file's path in security.ini.

1001 Free Fonts

Recommended Font

Captcha challenge example:


  • Request Captcha"api/captcha/request")
async def on_request_captcha(request):
    captcha_session = await request_captcha(request)
    response = json("Captcha request successful!", captcha_session.json())
    return response
  • Captcha Image
async def on_captcha_img(request):
    captcha_session = await CaptchaSession().decode(request)
    return await captcha_session.get_image()
  • Requires Captcha
Key Value
captcha Aj8HgD"api/captcha/attempt")
async def on_captcha_attempt(request, captcha_session):
    return json("Captcha attempt successful!", captcha_session.json())

Two-Step Verification

  • Request Two-step Verification (Creates and encodes a two-step session)

A route that is only used for requesting verification is not recommended and should be conditional. For example, an account logging in is unverified and requires verification.

Key Value
email [email protected]
captcha Aj8HgD"api/verification/request")
async def on_request_verification(request, captcha_session):
    two_step_session =  await request_two_step_verification(request)
    await two_step_session.text_code() # Text verification code.
    await two_step_session.email_code() # Or email verification code.
    response = json("Verification request successful!", two_step_session.json())
    return response
  • Resend Two-step Verification Code (Does not create new two-step session, only resends existing session code)"api/verification/resend")
async def on_resend_verification(request):
    two_step_session = await TwoStepSession().decode(request)
    await two_step_session.text_code() # Text verification code.
    await two_step_session.email_code() # Or email verification code.
    return json("Verification code resend successful!", two_step_session.json())
  • Requires Two-Step Verification
Key Value
code G8ha9nVa"api/verification/attempt")
async def on_verified(request, two_step_session):
    response = json("Two-step verification attempt successful!", two_step_session.json())
    return response

Password Recovery

  • Password recovery request
Key Value
email [email protected]
captcha Aj8HgD"api/recovery/attempt")
async def on_recovery_request(request, captcha_session):
    two_step_session = await request_two_step_verification(request, allow_unverified=False)
    await two_step_session.text_code() # Text verification code.
    await two_step_session.email_code() # Or email verification code.
    response = json("A recovery attempt has been made, please verify account ownership.", two_step_session.json())
    return response
  • Recover password
Key Value
password newpass
code G8ha9nVa"api/recovery/recover")
async def on_recover(request, two_step_session):
    await recover_password(request, two_step_session)
    return json("Account recovered successfully.", two_step_session.account.json())


Sanic Security comes with two protocols for authorization: role based and wildcard based permissions.

Role-based access control (RBAC) is a policy-neutral access-control mechanism defined around roles and privileges. The components of RBAC such as role-permissions, user-role and role-role relationships make it simple to perform user assignments.

Wildcard permissions support the concept of multiple levels or parts. For example, you could grant a user the permission
printer:query. The colon in this example is a special character used to delimit the next part in the permission string. In this example, the first part is the domain that is being operated on (printer), and the second part is the action (query) being performed.
This concept was inspired by Apache Shiro's implementation of wildcard based permissions.

Examples of wildcard permissions are:

  • Require Permissions"api/auth/perms")
@require_permissions("admin:update", "employee:add")
async def on_require_perms(request, authentication_session):
    return text("Account permitted.")
  • Require Roles"api/auth/roles")
@require_roles("Admin", "Moderator")
async def on_require_roles(request, authentication_session):
    return text("Account permitted")

Error Handling

async def on_error(request, exception):
    return exception.response


  • Cross Site Scripting Protection Middleware

The HTTP X-XSS-Protection response header is a feature that stops pages from loading when they detect reflected cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks.

async def xxs_middleware(request, response):
    xss_prevention_middleware(request, response)
  • Https Redirection Middleware

Redirects all http requests to https.

async def https_middleware(request):
    return https_redirect_middleware(request)


Sanic Security blueprints contain endpoints that allow you to employ fundamental authentication and verification into your application with a
single line of code.

  • Implementation

Blueprint containing all security endpoints.


Below are blueprints containing specific endpoints.

  • Endpoints
Method Endpoint Info
POST api/auth/register A captcha is required. Register an account with an email, username, and password. Once the account is created successfully, a two-step session is requested and the code is emailed.
POST api/auth/login Login with an email and password.
POST api/auth/verify Verify account with a two-step session code found in email.
POST api/auth/logout Logout of logged in account.
POST api/recov/request A captcha is required. Requests new two-step session to ensure current recovery attempt is being made by account owner.
POST api/recov/recover Changes an account's password once recovery attempt was determined to have been made by account owner with two-step code found in email.
POST api/capt/request Requests new captcha session.
GET api/capt/img Retrieves captcha image from existing captcha session.


You may test Sanic Security manually with postman or run automated unit tests.

Make sure the test Sanic instance (test/ is running on your machine as both postman, and the unit tests operate as a test client.

Then run the unit tests (test/ or test with postman via clicking the button below.

Run in Postman
