Codex - Wordlist Generator

A python tool capable of creating HUGE wordlists. Has the ability to add custom words for concatenation in any way you see fit.


git clone

**Command line usage WIP.
**Currently only allows for concatenation of three args. WIP will make it flexible.


    (-h)elp | Gives this output.

    (-w)rite | Writes a new File with the specified wordtypes.
        [?] If no path is given, the new text file is created in the same
             directory that this script resides in.
                -w /path/to/any/dir/newFilename.rtf color:animal:formnumber3
                -w /wordlists/newFilename.txt color:noun:formnumber3
                -w newFilename.txt verb:noun:number

        [?] If you wish to write one word, or two appended words, leave empty parameters.
            E.g.: [*] These all write the same thing
                -w newFilename.txt number:: 
                -w newFilename.txt :number:
                -w newFilename.txt ::number

    (-a)dd | Adds words from a specified file to the script's wordlists.
        [!] Files must have each line contain a single word.
        [!] If a word has " or \\ in it, this script will try to remove it.


        [!] Add can only add from one file at a time.

            E.g.: -a /path/to/wordlist/Words.txt <wordtype>
                -a verbs.txt verbs
                -a nouns.txt nouns

    (-c)heck | Checks a file for existing words and words with symbols in them.

        [!] Acceptable wordlists contain a single word in each line with no symbols.
            [?] Unacceptable Symbols: \ and "

    [*] Args:| {this will change as more lists are added to DICTIONARY.json} |

        [*] color - I.e. ["red", "yellow", "blue"]

        [*] adjective - I.e. ["small", "shiny", "pretty"]

        [*] animal - I.e. ["cat", "dog", "fish"]

        [*] noun - I.e ["banana", "race", "car"]

        [*] verb - I.e. ["jump", "run", "swim"]
            [*] "ing" is added to the end of most verbs

        [*] number - I.e. [""]

        [*] formnumber2 - I.e. [00, 01, 02, 03]

        [*] formnumber3 - I.e. [000, 001, 002, 003]
        [*] formnumber4 - I.e. [0000, 0001, 0002, 0003]
        (and so on... 9 max.)

    [?] E.g.:\n 
        [?] color:animal:formnumber3  - #1,646,352 words.
            [*]Writes things like: redshark001 or greentiger999.

        [?] noun:noun:formnumber2  - #22,498,789 words.
            [*]Writes things like: roomservice02 or waterdamage999.

        [?] adj:noun:number  - #256,383,360 words.
            [*]Writes things like: poisonapple2 or ancientpalace123.

        [?] :number: will write one decimal: 1 ;

        [?] :formnumber2: - will write two decimals: 01 ;

        [?] :formnumber4: - #9999 integers.
            [*] Writes four-digit pins.

        [?] :formnumber9: - will write nine decimals: 000000001
GitHub - Codex-Major/Wordlist-Generator: A python tool capable of creating HUGE wordlists. Has the ability to add custom words for concatenation in any way you see fit.
A python tool capable of creating HUGE wordlists. Has the ability to add custom words for concatenation in any way you see fit. - GitHub - Codex-Major/Wordlist-Generator: A python tool capable of c...