
A simple assembly- and brainfuck-inspired stack-based language.

The language has a few goals:

  • Be stack-based
  • Look like assembly
  • Have a similar token set to brainfuck


push <int> ; pushes an integer to the stack
add        ; pushes the sum of the last two elements on the stack
sub        ; pushes the difference of the last two elements on the stack, also sets relevant flags
cmp        ; sets the zero flag as if it had subtracted, but doesn't actually perform subtraction
dup        ; duplicates the top of the stack
swap       ; swaps the top two elements on the stack
rotr       ; rotates top three elements right
rotl       ; same but to the left
in         ; pushes a single character of user input
out        ; outputs top element of stack as char
jnz @<section> ; jumps to section if zero flag set with `cmp` or `sub` is not active
jz @<section>  ; jumps to section if zero flag is active
jmp @<section> ; jumps to section


Pretty sure assembly calls them labels. They label a part of the program. The program requires a label called _start. Lets you do:

  push 64
  push 1
  push 90
  jnz @loop
  push 10

Which is a program that prints the ascii characters ‘A’ – ‘Z’. Note how references to sections in jump statements are prepended with an @ character.

Compiling and running

The compiler is written in Python. Simply do

chmod +x ./
./ <program>
nasm -f elf output.asm
ldd -m elf_i386 -s -o output output.o

Try compiling and running the programs in examples/ to see how it works.


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