
A simple content site framework that harnesses the power of Django without the hassle.


  • Renders markdown files automatically
  • Can use data from JSON files in templates and content
  • All the power of Django templates, template tags, and filters
  • Can include other Django apps
  • Generate HTML output for a true static site (coming soon)

Still a little experimental. ?

Create a new site

  1. git clone [email protected]:adamghill/django-static-site.git
  2. poetry add .
  3. Copy from
  4. mkdir content
  5. echo "# Index" >> content/
  6. echo "DEBUG=True\nSECRET_KEY=" >> .env
  7. Create secret key at and update .env file above with it
  8. python runserver
  9. Go to localhost:8000 in web browser

Create content

django-static-site takes the URL slug and looks up a corresponding markdown file in the content directory.

For example: http://localhost:8000/this-is-a-good-example/ will render the markdown in content/ If the file cannot be found, the response will be a 404.

Use data

django-static-site is designed to be used without a database, however, sometimes it’s useful to have access to data in the templates.


Create a file named data.json: echo {} >> data.json. Add whatever data you want to that file and it will be included in the template context.


    {"index": {"answer": 42}}


{{ data.index.answer }}

data directory

Create a directory named data: mkdir data. Create as many JSON files as you want. The name of the file will be used as the key in the context data.


    {"author": "Douglas Adams"}


{{ }}

Override templates

Overriding templates should work just like Django normally does.

Base template

Create a file named templates/static_site/base.html to override the base template. By default, it needs to include a content block.

{% block content %}{% endblock content %}

Content template

Create a file named templates/static_site/content.html to override the content template. By default, it needs to include a content block and {{ content|safe }} to render the markdown.

{% block content %}{{ content|safe }}{% endblock content %}


  • Rename django-static-site to something better
  • Management command to render all markdown to HTML for actually serving static HTML files
  • Cookiecutter to create a site easily
  • Publish to PyPI



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