
? About

A simple MacOS menu bar app to display current coins from most popular Liquidity Pools on TinyMan.org ?

⚠️ NOTE: This is a pre-release version, utility is under active development.


? Quick start

If you are looking for quick executable installation refer to links below:


Be aware that by default the tool displays a USDC equivalent of ALGO after performing a swap between 1 UNIT of selected ASA and ALGO.

  • ✅ - 5 Pairs available by default. (Available)
  • ✅ - Add any Asset by ASA ID. (Available)
  • ? - Custom base currency. (only ALGO at the moment)
  • ? - Code signed MacOS executables (TBD)
  • ? - CI/CD (TBD)

⚙️ Installation

(for devs/contributors only )

This section assumes that poetry and pre-commit are installed and executed from the root folder of this repository.

  1. Clone the repo
git clone https://github.com/aorumbayev/tinybar
  1. Install python requirements
poetry install # install all dependencies
poetry shell # activate virtual env
  1. Configure pre-commit hooks
pre-commit install
  1. Run tinybar in dev mode
(.venv) PYTHONPATH="." python src/tinybar.py
  1. (optional) Build app executable
(.venv) PYTHONPATH="." python3 setup.py py2app

? Testing


?‍♂️ Contribution guideline


⭐️ Stargazers

Special thanks to everyone who forked or starred the repository ❤️

Stargazers repo roster for @aorumbayev/tinybar
Forkers repo roster for @aorumbayev/tinybar
GitHub - aorumbayev/TinyBar at pythonawesome.com
Tiny MacOS menu bar utility to track price dynamics for assets on TinyMan.org - GitHub - aorumbayev/TinyBar at pythonawesome.com