More Upload Statistics

A small plugin for Nicotine+ to create more detailed upload statistics.

No data previous to enabling this plugin will be available.

Some data in the statistics may be hidden to not create an unnecessarily huge page. You can disable this by disabling auto thresholding in the preferences and setting the manual thresholds to 0.


Open Nicotine+ settings, go to General > Plugins and click + Add Plugins. After that download the latest release and extract it into the plugins folder.

Remove the version from the folder name. The folder name must stay the same across version upgrades otherwise you will loose any changed settings.

Now you can enable the Upload Statistics plugin in the previously opened plugin settings.


  • Type /up into a chat message and hit enter.
  • If you want to temporarely disable or change the thresholds you can do so like this: /up 0 2. The values are user and file threshold respectively.
  • Use /up-reset to reset the statistics (a backup will be created beforhand).


Check for UpdatesCheck for updates on start and periodicallyEnabled
QuieterQuiet down a bit and stop filling the console with messages.Disabled
Raw statistics fileJSON file where containing the raw databuild/stats.json
Statistic page fileHTML file presenting the data in a human readable waybuild/index.html
M3U Playlist fileM3U playlist file of the top 25# uploaded filesbuild/playlist.m3u
Dark ThemeEnable / Disable dark themeEnabled
Auto refreshAutomatically refresh the statistics page every minuteDisabled
Auto regenerateAutomatically regenerate statistics page every X minutes30min
Auto thresholdAutomatically set a threshold respective to the gathered data. Data under the threshold will be hidden from the statistics page. Overrides both user and file threshold when enabled.Enabled
User thresholdFix threshold for users. Only users who downloaded more files than this will be shown on the statistics page.2
File thresholdFix threshold for files. Only files that have been uploaded more than this will be shown on the statistics page.5


GitHub - Nachtalb/more-upload-stats: More detailed upload statistics for Nicotine+
More detailed upload statistics for Nicotine+. Contribute to Nachtalb/more-upload-stats development by creating an account on GitHub.