
  • A stock screener and scanner with the intention of building a portfolio aware of market conditions

  • Performs basic technical analysis and fundamental analysis and gives an evaluation of the portfolio based on the results

  • Portfolio partitioning using montecarlo methods

  • Checks alpha and beta values

  • Allows for prices forecasting

  • Defines resistances and supports

  • And much more…

  • The screener strongly relies on yfinance‘s functionalities


The content in this repository is solely for educational purposes, and does not constitute investment advice. The risk of trading in securities markets can be substantial. You should carefully consider if engaging in such activity is suitable to your own financial situation. We are not responsible for any liabilities arising as a result of your market involvement or individual trade activities



The code uses the following libraries:


- `yfinance`

- `pandas`

- `numpy`

- `sklearn`

- `scipy`

- `matplotlib`

- `requests`

- `bs4`

- `statsmodels`

- `pmdarima`

- `pmdarima`

- `prophet`

- `keras`

- `tulipy`
  • You can either install them one by one with the following command: pip install {library}
  • or you can install the requilrements directly from the requirements.txt: $ pip install -r requirements.txt

Run Instructions


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