
This is an API performance test comparing Starlite and FastAPI using autocannon.

Setup is identical for both frameworks –

  1. a sync endpoint returing a json object with some square root calculations
  2. a async endpoint returing a json object with some square root calculations
  3. a json endpoint returning {“hello”: “world”}
  4. a plaintext endpoint returning “hello world”

Both frameworks use orjson for serialization of the responses and identical uvicorn + gunicorn settings (max workers)

Autocannon settings: 4 repetitions for each endpoint, using 4 workers and 25 connections for 10 seconds.

Last run results:


You can view the result json files under /results

The plotting is done using pandas – script is under /analysis

Executing Tests Locally

To execute the tests:

  1. clone the repo
  2. run ./test.sh

The test.sh script will install the dependencies for you.

note: the repository is setup to use python 3.10+


Please make sure to install pre-commit on your system, and then execute pre-commit install in the repository root – this will ensure the pre-commit hooks are in place.

After doing this, add a PR with your changes and a clear description of the change.


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