
pierogis is a framework for image and animation processing. Ingredients that describe image processing functions can be assembled into recipes and used to cook an image or animation.

pyrogis is a python library and cli tool implementing this framework.

pip install pyrogis
pyrogis chef input.png "sort; quantize" -o output.png

sorted and quantized gnome


install from a wheel with pip

pip install pyrogis

Depends on numpy and PIL. PIL requires some external C libraries for handling image files. You probably don't have
to worry about this. If you do, try a conda installation.

To build from source (either the repository or the sdist), you will need to install the rust stable toolchain
and setuptools-rust.

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://sh.rustup.rs | sh
pip install setuptools-rust

pip install .


  • CLI - Use the CLI to cook à la carte recipes, or provide a recipe in a document
  • Animations - Animations (gifs and movies) can be cooked in one command
  • Extendable - Easy to create custom manipulations (see package)
  • Lazy Rendering - Render a manipulation after constructing your pipeline (see package)
  • Numpy or Rust backend - Image processing functions use Numpy for (python relative) fast operations. Some
    ingredients use compiled Rust for more speed.



All of the cli commands look like this.

pyrogis {order} {path} [-o output] [... order options] [--frames] [--fps fps] [--duration duration] [--no-optimize]

order is one of

The following options are used for each order (sort, quantize, etc.).
A directory can be used for path, in which case the program will try to cook each file in the directory.
If an output filename or dir is provided, it should match the expected output.

In addition, each order or "menu item" has its own set of options.

arg description default valid
order order type / menu item to cook required sort, quantize, chef, threshold, plate, resize
path path to input media required dir, image, animation
-o,--output name of the output directory or file depends on output type str
--frames if present, frames will be cooked but not assembled into animation (output is treated as dir) False flag
--fps fps to output an animation at (ignored if single frame) 25 int
--duration ms frame duration to output an animation with (ignored if single frame, overrides duration) None int
--no-optimize if present and output would be .gif, the gif is not optimized using pygifsicle False int

If the input file is a directory or a movie file (anything animated),
the output will be an animation as well. Artifact "cooked" folder will contain frames.
If you don't understand what output type to expect from your command, don't provide output.


sort pixels along an axis

pyrogis sort ./input.jpg -l 50 -u 180 -t 1

Use -l and -u as lower and upper thresholds
where contiguous groups of pixels
with brightness outside of the thresholds are sorted.

If only lower is provided, upper is set to 255.
If only upper is provided, lower is set to 0.

sorted gnome

arg description default valid
-l, --lower-threshold pixels with intensity below this value are sorted 64 0-255
-u, --upper-threshold pixels with intensity above this value are sorted 180 0-255
-t, --turns number of clockwise turns from sorting bottom to top 0 0-3
--ccw if provided, turns will be applied counter-clockwise False flag


quantize an image to a smaller set of colors

quantized gnome

pyrogis quantize input.jpg -c aaaaaa 43ad32 696969 --repeats 3 --iterations 3
# or
pyrogis quantize input.jpg -n 16 --repeats 3 --iterations 3

Wraps rscolorq) in python.
Thank you to the author of that package.

arg description default valid
-c, --colors hex colors to base palette on (palette size ignored) None int
-n, --palette_size number of colors in the palette to cluster for 8 int
--repeats number of times to repeat a temperature for DA 1 int
--iterations number of times to repeat an iteration of a coarseness level 1 int
--initial-temp initial temp to use in DA for optimization 1 float
--final-temp final temp to use in DA for optimization 0.001 float
--dithering-level relative dithering level (use .5-1.5) 0.8 float


parse text for a recipe

sorted and quantized gnome

.txt files and quoted strings can describe a series of CLI recipes, piped from one to the next.

pyrogis chef ./input.jpg "sort -u 100; quantize"
# or
pyrogis chef ./input.jpg recipe.txt


sort -u 100; quantize
arg description default valid
recipe path to json or txt file to use as a recipe recipe.txt str


pixels included or excluded based on brightness

threshold gnome

Pixels with brightness outside of the thresholds provided become "included".
Pixels within the thresholds become "excluded" (greater than lower, but less than upper).
By default, included means replaced with white, excluded with black.

sort uses this under the hood.

pyrogis threshold ./input.jpg -u 150 -l 20 
arg description default valid
-u,--upper-threshold pixels above this value are white 180 int
-l,--lower-threshold pixels below this value are white 64 int
--include hex color to substitute for white ffffff str
--exclude hex color to substitute for black 000000 str


change the size of an image with options to maintain aspect ratio

Provide one of width or height and the other will scale appropriately. Use of both height and width is probably
redundant and will stretch the image if the ratio is not the same.

scale can also be provided as an alternative or alongside height/width.

By default, a nearest neighbor scaling "filter" is used. When scaling up, nearest neighbor preserves the pixelated look
if scale is a whole number
(or width/height are provided as multiples of the current size).

See PIL documentation
on filters

When used in a chef recipe, scaling down at the beginning of a recipe and up at the end can lead to cool (and faster)

pyrogis resize ./input.jpg -s .25
pyrogis resize ./input.jpg -s 4

# or using exact dimension (aspect ratio maintained)
pyrogis resize ./input.jpg -h 200
pyrogis resize ./input.jpg -h 800
arg description default valid
--width width to resize to None int
--height height to resize to None int
--scale scale multiplier for width and height 1 float
--filter a filter to be used with resizing nearest nearest, bicubic, bilinear, box, hamming, lanczos


bundle a directory of frames into an animation

When --frames flag is present for a cook operation on an animation file (gif, mp4, etc.), the output is left in a
directory and not compiled into a movie file.

plate can be used to take this input directory and compile into a movie file.

Doesn't work as an ingredient in chef recipe.

duration will override fps.

The options for this can be provided to any order if the output would be an animation.

pyrogis plate ./cooked --fps 50
arg description default valid
--fps fps to output an animation at (ignored if single frame) 25 int
--duration ms frame duration to output an animation with (ignored if single frame, overrides duration) None int
--no-optimize if present and output would be .gif, the gif is not optimized using pygifsicle False int


"pierogis is the name of the framework;

pyrogis is the name of the python package and cli tool"

- a wise man

import pyrogis

Docs are automatically generated by pdoc

The created files can be found in this repository in the docs folder


The original python pixelsort package inspired this package. While the
underlying algorithm of that package and of sort in this one is
supposed to be functionally the same, details of the implementation may differ, and it makes up just part of this

The quantizing algorithm used in this package is implemented by rscolorq, which
is a port of scolorq, itself an implementation of
Spatial Color Quantization.

issues and contributing

When you encounter an error, there are some guidelines that will make it easier to help you:

  • Ensure that you are using the latest version of the package. It's early days so errors and updates will be frequent.
    Use pip uninstall pyrogis then pip install pyrogis --no-cache-dir to reinstall.
  • Provide the version of pyrogis that you are using in issues to rule that out.
    pip list -> pyrogis _._._
  • Provide the traceback or error message if you can.
  • Provide your os and any other specific information relevant to how you are trying to use the package.
  • Provide the code or the cli command that triggered the error.
  • If the problem is visual: that can be more difficult to debug. Try to use an image hosting site if you want to share
    what you are seeing in an issue.
  • If you are getting different behavior than you expect: that could be an error or a feature too.
  • If your problem is with installation: try conda, preinstall numpy and pillow, install the rust toolchain, and
    start praying. There will be a website with a visual editor for this software so stay tuned.

Hopefully all levels of skills can use this package. Any form of contributing is appreciated; passive-aggressive
semi-anonymous thumbs down is not appreciated.

Everyone using and contributing to this package is doing it for the love of the game.

Don't feel like your issue is too small to make an issue. Pull requests are always welcome and anyone interested in dev
work should join the

Ingredient type algorithm/function suggestions can go in the ingredients channel. You can post your creations in the
demo channel as well.
