
Implementation of parameterized soft-exponential activation function. In this implementation, the parameters are the same for all neurons initially starting with -0.01. This activation function revolves around the idea of a “soft” exponential function. The soft-exponential function is a function that is very similar to the exponential function, but it is not as steep at the beginning and it is more gradual at the end. The soft-exponential function is a good choice for neural networks that have a lot of connections and a lot of neurons.

This activation function is under the idea that the function is logarithmic, linear, exponential and smooth.

The equation for the soft-exponential function is:

$$ f(\alpha,x)= \left{ \begin{array}{ll} -\frac{ln(1-\alpha(x + \alpha))}{\alpha} & \alpha < 0\ x & \alpha = 0 \ \frac{e^{\alpha x} – 1}{\alpha} + \alpha & \alpha > 0 \ \end{array} \right. $$

Problems faced:

1. Misinformation about the function

From a paper by A continuum among logarithmic, linear, and exponential functions, and its potential to improve generalization in neural networks, here in Figure 2, the soft-exponential function is shown as a logarithmic function. This is not the case.

Figure Given

The real figure should be shown here:

Figure Truth

Here we can see in some cases the soft-exponential function is undefined for some values of $\alpha$,$x$ and $\alpha$,$x$ is not a constant.

2. Negative values inside logarithm

Here comes the tricky part. The soft-exponential function is defined for all values of $\alpha$ and $x$. However, the logarithm is not defined for negative values.

In the issues under Keras, one of the person has suggested to use the following function $sinh^{-1}()$ instead of the $\ln()$.

3. Initialization of alpha

Starting with an initial value of -0.01, the soft-exponential function was steep at the beginning and it is more gradual at the end. This was a good idea.


First picture showing the accuracy of the soft-exponential function.

Figure 1

This shows the loss of the soft-exponential function.

Figure 2

Model Structure:

 Layer (type)                Output Shape              Param #   
 input_1 (InputLayer)        [(None, 28, 28)]          0         
 flatten (Flatten)           (None, 784)               0         
 dense_layer (Dense_layer)   (None, 128)               100480    
 parametric_soft_exp (Parame  (None, 128)              128       
 dense_layer_1 (Dense_layer)  (None, 128)              16512     
 parametric_soft_exp_1 (Para  (None, 128)              128       
 dense (Dense)               (None, 10)                1290      
Total params: 118,538
Trainable params: 118,538
Non-trainable params: 0



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