Parallel Tempered Genetic Algorithm Guided by Deep Neural Networks for Inverse Molecular Design

This repository contains code for the paper: JANUS: Parallel Tempered Genetic Algorithm Guided by Deep Neural Networks for Inverse Molecular Design. By: AkshatKumar Nigam, Robert Pollice, Alán Aspuru-Guzik

Package Requirements:

Using The Code:

The code can be run using:

python ./JANUS.py

Within params_init.py, a user has the option to provide:

  1. A function for calculting property values (see function calc_prop).
  2. Input parameters that are to be used by JANUS (see function generate_params). Initial parameters are provided. These are picked based on prior
    experience by the authors of the paper.

Output Generation:

All results from running JANUS will be stored here.
The following files will be created:

  1. fitness_explore.txt:
    Fitness values for all molecules from the exploration component of JANUS.
  2. fitness_local_search.txt:
    Fitness values for all molecules from the exploitation component of JANUS.
  3. generation_all_best.txt:
    Smiles and fitness value for the best molecule encountered in every generation (iteration).
  4. init_mols.txt:
    List of molecules used to initialte JANUS.
  5. population_explore.txt:
    SMILES for all molecules from the exploration component of JANUS.
  6. population_local_search.txt:
    SMILES for all molecules from the exploitation component of JANUS.

Paper Results/Reproducibility:

Our code and results for each experiment in the paper can be found here:

