
The py_neuromodulation toolbox allows for real time capable processing of multimodal electrophysiological data. The primary use is movement prediction for adaptive deep brain stimulation.

Find the documentation here for example usage and parametrization.


For running this toolbox first create a new virtual conda environment:

conda env create --file=env.yml --user

The main modules include running real time enabled feature preprocessing based on iEEG BIDS data.

Different features can be enabled/disabled and parametrized in the `>`_.

The current implementation mainly focuses band power and sharpwave feature estimation.

An example folder with a mock subject and derivate feature set was estimated.

To run feature estimation given the example BIDS data run in root directory.


This will write write a feature_arr.csv file in the 'examples/data/derivatives' folder.

For further documentatin view ParametrizationDefinition for description of necessary parametrization files. FeatureEstimationDemo walks through an example feature estimation and explains sharpwave estimation.


GitHub - neuromodulation/py_neuromodulation: Real-time analysis of intracranial neurophysiology recordings.
Real-time analysis of intracranial neurophysiology recordings. - GitHub - neuromodulation/py_neuromodulation: Real-time analysis of intracranial neurophysiology recordings.