Robust Learning Meets Generative Models: Can Proxy Distributions Improve Adversarial Robustness?

Pdf: Arxiv, Openreview

Code for our ICLR 2022 paper where we show that synthetic data from diffusion models can provide a tremendous boost in the performance of robust training. We also provide synthetic data used in the paper for all five datasets, namely CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100, ImageNet, CelebA, and AFHQ. We also provide synthetic data from seven different generative models for CIFAR-10, which was used to analyze impact of different generative models in section 3.2.

Despite being minimalistic, this codebase also offers multi-node and multi-gpu adversarial training support.

Getting started

Let’s start by installing all dependencies.

  • pip install torch torchvision easydict
  • pip install git+
  • pip install git+

Training a robust classifier

We can perform adversarial training on four GPUs using the following command.

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1,2,3 python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=4 --master_port=6116 --dataset cifar10 --syn-data-list ddpm_cifar10 --syn-data-dir dir_where_syn_data_is_stored --arch wrn_34_10 --trainer pgd --val-method pgd --batch-size 128 --batch-size-syn 128 --exp-name name_of_experiment

  • --trainer: Choice of training method from (baseline, trades, pgd, fgsm). baseline refer to benign training, i.e., no adversary is present, while other three are variations of adversarial training.
  • --val-method: Choice of training method from (baseline, pgd, auto). In evaluation, we can also use either baseline or an adversarial attack from pgd or autoattack. Note that we use a subset of attacks in autoattack for faster evaluation.
  • --syn-data-list: Choice of synthetic dataset. It will be loaded from the directory provided by --syn-data-dir flag. One can choose to provide multiple synthetic datasets.
  • --dataset: Choice of dataset from (cifar-10, cifar-100)

We provide the synthetic dataloader and its integration with real data in While the current demo consider cifar-10 and cifar-100 as the primary use cases, it can be easily extended to other datasets.

Now let’s consider the variations of aforementioned setup.

  1. Training on a single-gpu: Just specify the --no-dist flag.

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python --dataset cifar10 --syn-data-list ddpm_cifar10 --syn-data-dir dir_where_syn_data_is_stored --arch wrn_34_10 --trainer pgd --val-method pgd --batch-size 128 --batch-size-syn 128 --exp-name name_of_experiment --no-dist

  1. Training without synthetic data: Simply drop the synthetic data args.

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python --dataset cifar10 --arch wrn_34_10 --trainer pgd --val-method pgd --batch-size 128 --exp-name name_of_experiment --no-dist

  1. Multi-node training: We will use slurm to lauch processes on different nodes. We provide an example script (./scripts/train.slurm) to adversarially train a ResNest-152 model on eight nodes with two gpus per node. Note that beyond the cmd line args with multi-node are identical to single-node, thus the only requirement for multi-node is to launch it using slurm.

Pre-trained models

Our pre-trained models are easily accessible through RobustBench. For example, one can load our robust WideResNet-34-10 model for CIFAR-10 (Linf) dataset using following two lines.

from robustbench.utils import load_model
model = load_model(model_name='Sehwag2021Proxy', dataset='cifar10', threat_model='Linf')

Synthetic data zoo

We release synthetic images for all five datasets used in our paper. You can download them using the link provided below. Class-conditioning implies that the generative model itself generates labelled images. With generative models that are not class-conditioned, we use an additional classifier to generate pseudo labels, as described in the paper.

Dataset Number of training images in dataset Generative model Number of synthetic images Class-conditioned Samples
CIFAR-10 50K DDPM 15M No Link
StyleGAN 10M Yes Link
E2GAN 1M No Link
DiffCrBigGAN 1M Yes Link
NDA 1M Yes Link
DiffBigGAN 1M Yes Link
CelebA 120K StyleFormer 1M No Link
DDPM 1M No Link
ImageNet 1.2M BigGAN 1M Yes Link
DDPM 400K Yes Link
CIFAR-100 50K DDPM 1M Yes Link
AFHQ 15K StyleGAN 300K Yes Link


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    title={Robust Learning Meets Generative Models: Can Proxy Distributions Improve Adversarial Robustness?},
    author={Vikash Sehwag and Saeed Mahloujifar and Tinashe Handina and Sihui Dai and Chong Xiang and Mung Chiang and Prateek Mittal},
    booktitle={International Conference on Learning Representations},


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