Welcome to the PyGranSim webpage!

PyGranSim is part of the PyGran project, an open-source toolkit primarily designed for DEM simulation & analysis. In addition to performing basic and custom post-processing, PyGran enables running DEM simulation with the PyGranSim module. For more info on PyGran, see here.

If your find PyGran useful in your research, please consider citing the following paper:

DOI for Citing PyGran
  title={PyGran: An object-oriented library for DEM simulation and analysis},
  author={Abi-Mansour, Andrew},

Quick Installation

PyGranSim is typically installed with other PyGran submodules. See here for more info. For a solo PyGranSim local installation, simply clone this repository and then use pip to run from the source dir:

pip install pygran_sim

You can alternatively run setup.py to build and/or install the package. See setup.py -h for more info.

Basic Usage

PyGranSim provides an interface for running DEM simulation with the following engines:

This is achieved by importing the simulation module as shown in the script below for simulating granular flow in a hopper.

import pygran_sim
from pygran_params import stearicAcid, steel

# Create a DEM parameter dictionary
param = {

	'model': pygran_sim.models.SpringDashpot,
	'boundary': ('f','f','f'),
	'box':  (-1e-3, 1e-3, -1e-3, 1e-3, 0, 4e-3),

	'species': ({'material': stearicAcid, 'radius': 5e-5,}, 
	'gravity': (9.81, 0, 0, -1),

	'mesh': { 'hopper': {'file': 'silo.stl', 'mtype': 'mesh/surface', \
		'material': steel}, },

# Instantiate a DEM class
sim = pygran_sim.DEM(**param['model'])

# Insert 1000 particles for species 1 (stearic acid)
insert = sim.insert(species=1, value=1000) 

# Evolve the system in time 
sim.run(nsteps=1e6, dt=1e-6)

For more examples on using PyGran for running DEM simulation, check out the examples page.

GitHub - andrew-abimansour/PyGranSim: simulation module for PyGran: a DEM toolkit for rapid quantitative analysis of granular/powder systems
simulation module for PyGran: a DEM toolkit for rapid quantitative analysis of granular/powder systems - GitHub - andrew-abimansour/PyGranSim: simulation module for PyGran: a DEM toolkit for rapid ...