The Instructed Glacier Model (IGM)


The Instructed Glacier Model (IGM) simulates the ice dynamics, surface mass balance, and its coupling through mass conservation to predict the evolution of glaciers, icefields, or ice sheets (Figs. 1 and 2).

The specificity of IGM is that it models the ice flow by a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), which is trained with state-of-the-art ice flow models (Fig. 3). By doing so, the most computationally demanding model component is substituted by a cheap emulator, permitting speed-up of several orders of magnitude at the cost of a minor loss in accuracy.

Alt text

IGM consists of an open-source Python code, which runs across both CPU and GPU and deals with two-dimensional gridded input and output data. Together with a companion library of ice flow emulators, IGM permits user-friendly, highly efficient, and mechanically state-of-the-art glacier simulations.

Installing Python Packages

IGM is written in Python and requires the installation of libraries such as numpy, matplotlib, netCDF4, tensorflow (version 2.4.0 or later), and keras libraries. I recommend creating a dedicated Python environment ‘igm’ typing the following commands (here we use conda):

conda create --name igm python=3.7
conda activate igm
conda install matplotlib numpy netCDF4 
pip install tensorflow==2.4.0   
pip install keras
pip install tensorflow-addons
pip install -U protobuf  # this is necessary for TF 2.5.0

Optional: For the best performance, I recommend running IGM on GPU. For that purpose, you need to additionally install i) cuda ii) cudnn iii) tensorflow-gpu. Make sure that i) cuda ii) cudnn iii) tensorflow iv) python versions are compatible, and your Nvidia driver is compatible with the version of cuda. Such incompatibility is the most common source of issue. Here, an example of installation:

conda install cudatoolkit=11.0 cudnn=8.0 -c conda-forge 
pip install tensorflow-gpu==2.4.0    

Quick start with examples

Once the above packages have been installed, you may already run ready-to-use examples in the folder examples/, which contains input data and scripts with necessary commands. To date, it contains two examples:

  • aletsch-simple provides a simple set-up for an advance-retreat simulation of the largest glacier of the European Alps — Aletsch Glacier, Switzerland — using a simple parametrization of the mass balance based on time-varying Equilibrium Line Altitudes (ELA), as well as an example of a fully-custumized mass balance routine implementing an oscilitating ELA.

  • cluster-simple is simlar to aletsch-simple, but over a wider domain including a tens of glaciers to demonstrate the capability of IGM to model a glacier network.

About the code

The IGM code is packed into a single file src/, which defines the class igm and contains all what we need — variables and functions — to run a time evolution glacier model. Just explore it.

IGM core code implements a simple mass balance parametrization based on equilibrium line altitude, accumulation and ablation, vertical gradient, and maximum accumulation rates. More elaborated mass balance models as well as climate forcing can easily advocated to IGM with user-defined functions.

The most simple usage

Assuming the necessary input files to be available, the easiest way to run IGM is to run the following comand in a Unix terminal:

export PYTHONPATH=/your/path/to/IGM/src # or cp /your/path/to/IGM/src/ .
python -c "from igm import igm ; igm = igm() ;" --tstart 0 --usegpu False

which imports the igm class, creates an element of the igm class, and runs it with desired options like --tstart 0. The list of options can be checked just adding --help. Here are the most important ones:

  --working_dir         Working directory
  --model_lib_path      Path of the trained ice flow emulator
  --geology_file        Geology file name
  --tstart              Starting time
  --tend                End time
  --tsave               Saving frequency
  --plot_result         Plot results in png when saved (alternative to NetCDF)
  --plot_live           Plot live the results during computation
  --usegpu              Use the GPU (recommended if you have one)
  --cfl                 CFL number for the transport scheme stability (must be below 1)
  --mb_simple_file      Time-varying parameters of the "simple" SMB model (like ELA)
  --init_strflowctrl    Initial value of the Strength Flow Control 

A simple usage with higher control

Alertantively, you may run python, where the file contains:

    from igm import igm 
    igm = igm()

or equivalently (this long version provides explicitly all steps of the glacier evolution model, Fig.1):

<div class="snippet-clipboard-content position-relative overflow-auto" data-snippet-clipboard-copy-content=" import tensorflow as tf
from igm import igm
igm = igm()

with tf.device(igm.device_name):
while igm.t

    import tensorflow as tf
    from igm import igm
    igm = igm()

    with tf.device(igm.device_name):
        while igm.t < igm.config.tend:                       