NVIDIA Source Code License
Python 3.8

DiscoBox: Weakly Supervised Instance Segmentation and Semantic Correspondence from Box Supervision

Paper | Project page | Demo (Youtube) | Demo (Bilibili)

DiscoBox: Weakly Supervised Instance Segmentation and Semantic Correspondence from Box Supervision.
Shiyi Lan, Zhiding Yu, Chris Choy, Subhashree Radhakrishnan, Guilin Liu, Yuke Zhu, Larry Davis, Anima Anandkumar
International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV) 2021

This repository contains the official Pytorch implementation of training & evaluation code and pretrained models for DiscoBox.
DiscoBox is a state of the art framework that can jointly predict high quality instance segmentation and semantic correspondence from box annotations.

We use MMDetection v2.10.0 as the codebase.

All of our models are trained and tested using automatic mixed precision, which leverages float16 for speedup and less GPU memory consumption.


This implementation is based on PyTorch==1.9.0, mmcv==2.13.0, and mmdetection==2.10.0

Please refer to get_started.md for installation.

Or you can download the docker image from our dockerhub repository.


Results on COCO val 2017

Backbone Weights AP AP@50 AP@75 AP@Small AP@Medium AP@Large
ResNet-50 download 30.7 52.6 30.6 13.3 34.1 45.6
ResNet-101-DCN download 35.3 59.1 35.4 16.9 39.2 53.0
ResNeXt-101-DCN download 37.3 60.4 39.1 17.8 41.1 55.4

Results on COCO test-dev

We also evaluate the models in the section Results on COCO val 2017 with the same weights on COCO test-dev.

Backbone Weights AP AP@50 AP@75 AP@Small AP@Medium AP@Large
ResNet-50 download 32.0 53.6 32.6 11.7 33.7 48.4
ResNet-101-DCN download 35.8 59.8 36.4 16.9 38.7 52.1
ResNeXt-101-DCN download 37.9 61.4 40.0 18.0 41.1 53.9



ResNet-50 (8 GPUs):

bash tools/dist_train.sh \
     configs/discobox/discobox_solov2_r50_fpn_3x.py 8

ResNet-101-DCN (8 GPUs):

bash tools/dist_train.sh \
     configs/discobox/discobox_solov2_r101_dcn_fpn_3x.py 8

ResNeXt-101-DCN (8 GPUs):

bash tools/dist_train.sh \
     configs/discobox/discobox_solov2_x101_dcn_fpn_3x.py 8

Pascal VOC 2012

ResNet-50 (4 GPUs):

bash tools/dist_train.sh \
     configs/discobox/discobox_solov2_voc_r50_fpn_6x.py 4

ResNet-101 (4 GPUs):

bash tools/dist_train.sh \
     configs/discobox/discobox_solov2_voc_r101_fpn_6x.py 4



ResNet-50 (8 GPUs):

bash tools/dist_test.sh \
     configs/discobox/discobox_solov2_r50_fpn_3x.py \
     work_dirs/coco_r50_fpn_3x.pth 8 --eval segm

ResNet-101-DCN (8 GPUs):

bash tools/dist_test.sh \
     configs/discobox/discobox_solov2_r101_dcn_fpn_3x.py \
     work_dirs/coco_r101_dcn_fpn_3x.pth 8 --eval segm

ResNeXt-101-DCN (GPUs):

bash tools/dist_test.sh \
     configs/discobox/discobox_solov2_x101_dcn_fpn_3x_fp16.py \
     work_dirs/coco_x101_dcn_fpn_3x.pth 8 --eval segm

Pascal VOC 2012 (COCO API)

ResNet-50 (4 GPUs):

bash tools/dist_test.sh \
     configs/discobox/discobox_solov2_voc_r50_fpn_3x_fp16.py \
     work_dirs/voc_r50_6x.pth 4 --eval segm

ResNet-101 (4 GPUs):

bash tools/dist_test.sh \
     configs/discobox/discobox_solov2_voc_r101_fpn_3x_fp16.py \
     work_dirs/voc_r101_6x.pth 4 --eval segm

Pascal VOC 2012 (Matlab)

Step 1: generate results

ResNet-50 (4 GPUs):

bash tools/dist_test.sh \
     configs/discobox/discobox_solov2_voc_r50_fpn_3x_fp16.py \
     work_dirs/voc_r50_6x.pth 4 \
     --format-only \
     --options "jsonfile_prefix=work_dirs/voc_r50_results.json"

ResNet-101 (4 GPUs):

bash tools/dist_test.sh \
     configs/discobox/discobox_solov2_voc_r101_fpn_3x_fp16.py \
     work_dirs/voc_r101_6x.pth 4 \
     --format-only \
     --options "jsonfile_prefix=work_dirs/voc_r101_results.json"

Step 2: format conversion


python tools/json2mat.pywork_dirs/voc_r50_results.json work_dirs/voc_r50_results.mat


python tools/json2mat.pywork_dirs/voc_r101_results.json work_dirs/voc_r101_results.mat

Step 3: evaluation

Please visit BBTP for the evaluation code written in Matlab.


Please visit this repository.


Please check the LICENSE file. DiscoBox may be used non-commercially, meaning for research or
evaluation purposes only. For business inquiries, please contact
[email protected].


  title={DiscoBox: Weakly Supervised Instance Segmentation and Semantic Correspondence from Box Supervision},
  author={Lan, Shiyi and Yu, Zhiding and Choy, Christopher and Radhakrishnan, Subhashree and Liu, Guilin and Zhu, Yuke and Davis, Larry S and Anandkumar, Anima},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2105.06464},


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