Bill Bot
The inteligent Bot

Bill is a intelligent bot, it can chat, search and send messages to you.

  • Chat with You
  • Send messages on WhatsApp for you
  • Search on web for you


  • You can train the bill conversation
  • Bill can search how many links do you want on the web
  • Bill can send a lot of personalized messages


Bill was made just in python, but it use some libs, as:

  • [Chatterbot] - Lib to train ChatBot.
  • [googlesearch] - Lib to search on web
  • [selenium] - lib to send WhatsApp messages
  • [] - lib to open WhatsApp


Bill Bot requires Python v3.7+ to run.

Install the dependencies and devDependencies and start the program.

pip install chatterbot
pip install googlesearch
pip install selenium
pip install


GitHub - JoaoAssalim/Bill_Bot: Bill is a bot capable to Chat with you, search everything on web to you, and send message to yours contacts for you.
Bill is a bot capable to Chat with you, search everything on web to you, and send message to yours contacts for you. - GitHub - JoaoAssalim/Bill_Bot: Bill is a bot capable to Chat with you, search ...