
A lightweight command line interface library for creating cli commands.

Hype CLI is an open source framework use for building command line applications easirer for cli applications that required different type of commands.

It also comes with alot of different features that you may want to check out. Hype CLI was mainly built for Anglo ( a modern lightweight web framework for python 3. ). Because of Hype CLI's capability it becomes easier to build command-line application.


You can install the module @ PyPI (recommended). or if you want you can install the module straight on the github repo (unrecommended) Or, download it at release page. (recommended)

$ pip install hypecli

Installation Guide at the Documentation Site


You can read the documentation for more info and examples for more examples.
Hyper CLI comes with a starter project template as well. After the installation, run

$ hyper create demoproject

Or you can create your own project by looking on this simple example.

#: Import the main class of the module
from hype import Hype

#: create a `app` instance of HyperCLI `:class:`
app = Hype()

#: Declare a command decorator.
@app.command(description="Greet the given user")
def greet(name: str):

  #: print the name that user define.
  app.echo("Hello", name)
if __name__ == "__main__":
  #: Run the application

# Output:
# python test.py greet --name Zenqi
# Hello Zenqi


Check Hype Features from the documentation site.

