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A powerful Minecraft command library.

from mecha import Mecha

mc = Mecha()

function = """
        as @a                        # For each "player",
        at @s                        # start at their feet.
        anchored eyes                # Looking through their eyes,
        facing 0 0 0                 # face perfectly at the target
        anchored feet                # (go back to the feet)
        positioned ^ ^ ^1            # and move one block forward.
        rotated as @s                # Face the direction the player
                                     # is actually facing,
        positioned ^ ^ ^-1           # and move one block back.
        if entity @s[distance=..0.6] # Check if we're close to the
                                     # player's feet.
            say I'm facing the target!

ast = mc.parse(function, multiline=True)
print(mc.serialize(ast))  # execute as @a at @s anchored eyes facing ...


This package provides everything you need for working with Minecraft commands in Python, whether you’re looking to process commands or build abstractions on top.


  • Extensible and version-agnostic mcfunction parser
  • Clean, immutable and hashable abstract syntax tree with source location
  • Command config resolver that flattens and enumerates all the valid command prototypes
  • Powerful rule dispatcher for processing specific ast nodes
  • Composable ast visitors and reducers
  • (soon) Execute arbitrary compilation passes in your beet pipeline
  • (soon) Expressive command API for writing commands in Python



The package can be installed with pip.

$ pip install mecha


Contributions are welcome. Make sure to first open an issue discussing the problem or the new feature before creating a pull request. The project uses poetry.

$ poetry install

You can run the tests with poetry run pytest.

$ poetry run pytest

The project must type-check with pyright. If you’re using VSCode the pylance extension should report diagnostics automatically. You can also install the type-checker locally with npm install and run it from the command-line.

$ npm run watch
$ npm run check

The code follows the black code style. Import statements are sorted with .

$ poetry run isort mecha tests
$ poetry run black mecha tests
$ poetry run black --check mecha tests

License – MIT

