
Ward is a modern test framework for Python with a focus on productivity and readability.


Descriptive test names: describe what your tests do using strings, not function names.

@test("1 + 2 == 3")
def _():
    assert 1 + 2 == 3

Modular test dependencies: manage test setup/teardown code using fixtures that rely on Python's import system, not name matching.

def user():
    return User(name="darren")
@test("the user is called darren")
def _(u=user):
    assert u.name == "darren"

Support for asyncio: define your tests and fixtures with async def and call asynchronous code within them.

async def user():
    u = await create_user()
    return await u.login()

@test("the logged in user has a last session date")
async def _(user=user):
    last_session = await get_last_session_date(user.id)
    assert is_recent(last_session, get_last_session_date)

Powerful test selection: limit your test run not only by matching test names/descriptions, but also on the code contained in the body of the test.

ward --search "Database.get_all_users"

Or use tag expressions for more powerful filtering.

ward --tags "(unit or integration) and not slow"

Parameterised testing: write a test once, and run it multiple times with different inputs by writing it in a loop.

  for lhs, rhs, res in [
      (1, 1, 2),
      (2, 3, 5),
      @test("simple addition")
      def _(left=lhs, right=rhs, result=res):
          assert left + right == result

Cross platform: Tested on Mac OS, Linux, and Windows.

Speedy: Ward's suite of ~320 tests run in less than half a second on my machine.

Zero config: Sensible defaults mean running ward with no arguments is enough to get started. Can be configured using pyproject.toml or the command line if required.

Colourful, human readable output: quickly pinpoint and fix issues with detailed output for failing tests.