
This is an API written in python that uses FastAPI. It is a simple API that can detect discord tokens in Images.


There are currently two ways to install:

Use pip package manager to install the libraries from requirements.txt file.

pip install -r requirements.txt

If you have Poetry package manager installed, you can install the dependencies using the following command.

poetry install

As we have included a pyproject.toml file, it will install the dependencies automatically.

API Configuration

You can configure the app by using the file called config.yml in the config directory. You need to pass the host, port for uvicorn to run the server.

  host: ""
  port: 7000
  preview: "true"  # Preview mode opens a ngrok tunnel that portforwards the localhost address and port, so that the world can see it. Although, please don't use this in production

  address: "Your Redis Address"
  port: 0000  #  Your Redis Port
  database: 0  #  Your Redis Database
  username: "..."  #  Your Redis Username, if ACL is enabled. Required.
  password: "..." #  Your Redis Password, if ACL is enabled.  Required.

Preview mode is special mode that will open a ngrok tunnel that portforwards the localhost address and port, so that the world can see it. Although, please don’t use this in production.

You will need ngrok installed in your system and ngrok needs to be properly configured.


This project is still in development, and the API is not stable / accurate yet. You can run the API in preview mode if you want to test it. The Readme will be updated as the project progresses.

Docker support will be added in the future.


Well, this project is entirely free and Open Source, if you want, you can certainly use it in your own projects. If you like this project, you can add a GitHub star to show your appreciation, and you can credit me in your project. Thanks ? Have a nice day!


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