
Solution Architecture



Harry Potter is a popular culture franchise present in books, movies and games.
In this universe we are introduced to a world where Witches have disciplines similar to our world.
They are schools that teach, herbology, arts against darkness, magic and many other lessons.
Based on this principle, we adopt the evaluative criteria of a World Exam.
Students from various schools of magic around the world decided to participate in this competition with their best students.
Who is smarter?
Find out by simulating this BIG DATA project that uses two databases as data analytics.
The first, MONGODB, is used as the initial repository and MYSQL is the final repository.
This way you can see how data is structured in its non-relational form and the transformations (there are 3) to the relational stage.
Check out!

Below is a glossary of data.

Glossary of Data

Fields Type Description
id string exam registration
notebook string test notebook color
first_name string first name of participants
last_name string last name of participants
race string race of participants
birthday string birthday of participants
age integer age of participants
civil_statu string civil status of participants
phone string phone of participants
occupation string occupation of participants
mailer string mailer
school string school of participants
country string country
houses string house of school of participants
patronus string patronus
wand string wand
identification_number string identification number of participants
divination string subject
alchemy string subject
apparition string subject
arithmancy string subject
muggle_art string subject
dark_arts string subject
astronomy string subject
defense_against_the_dark_arts string subject
study_of_ancient_runes string subject
muggle_study string subject
gender string gender
ancient_studies string subject
advanced_arithmancy_studies string subject
spells string subject
herbology string subject
history_of_magic string subject
general_knowledge_of_magic string subject
potions string subject
theory_of_magic string subject
transfiguration string subject
care_of_magical_creatures string subject
media string media of subject
yearmonthday string partition by


To run the project, you need to install the dependencies located in the “dependencies” folder and in the root of the project, run the shell_script “”.

Sample of Payload in MONGO


    "_id": {
        "$oid": "61b3fe3e2d3ec7405c5ca299"
    "TEST_REGISTRATION": "ZPXF24637425883078",
        "NAME": "Alexander Thorsen",
        "GENDER": "M",
        "RACE": "WIZARD",
        "BIRTHDAY": "1970-05-04",
        "AGE": "51",
        "PHONE": "49 73 87 37",
        "OCCUPATION": "Astronomer",
        "NU_IDENTIFICATION": "25123213273",
        "MAILER": "[email protected]",
        "WAND": "HAIR OF OTTER"
    "SCHOOL_DATA": {
        "SCHOOL_REGISTRATION": "HAKC47898340719757",
        "COUNTRY": "NORWAY",
        "HOUSES": "FOLKOR"
    "EXAM_DATA": {
        "MEDIA": 877.38,
        "SUBJECTS": {
            "DIVINATION": 95,
            "ALCHEMY": 57,
            "APPARITION": 14,
            "ARITHMANCY": 20,
            "MUGGLE_ART": 58,
            "DARK_ARTS": 6,
            "ASTRONOMY": 16,
            "STUDY_OF_ANCIENT_RUNES": 66,
            "MUGGLE_STUDY": 51,
            "ANCIENT_STUDIES": 52,
            "SPELLS": 18,
            "HERBOLOGY": 62,
            "HISTORY_OF_MAGIC": 50,
            "DEFAULT": 82,
            "POTIONS": 73,
            "THEORY_OF_MAGIC": 33,
            "TRANSFIGURATION": 43,

Sample of Payload in MYSQL

id                |notebook|first_name|last_name    |race           |birthday  |age|civil_status|phone                 |occupation                              |school       |country|houses        |patronus             |wand                             |identification_number|mailer                   |divination|alchemy|apparition|arithmancy|muggle_art|dark_arts|astronomy|defense_against_the_dark_arts|study_of_ancient_runes|muggle_study|ancient_studies|advanced_arithmancy_studies|spells|herbology|history_of_magic|general_knowledge_of_magic|potions|theory_of_magic|transfiguration|care_of_magical_creatures|media  |yearmonthday|
ABAT59919057625120|RED     |Ana       |Vitória      |HUMANS (MUGGLE)|1952/00/03| 69|DIVORCED    |080-5018-4820         |STUDENT                                 |CASTELOBRUXO |BRAZIL |null          |YELLOW IRIS          |NOSE OF COSCO                    |15378296021          |[email protected]       |      11.0|   27.0|      87.0|       6.0|      25.0|     42.0|     63.0|                          2.0|                  54.0|        92.0|           17.0|                       70.0|   3.0|     89.0|            52.0|                      30.0|   58.0|           52.0|           94.0|                     58.0| 889.76|    20210010|
ABPI58274953555056|RED     |Brita     |Blomqvist    |WIZARD         |1932/00/07| 89|WIDOWED     |08-042 66 98          |Insurance account manager               |KOLDOVSTORETZ|RUSSIAN|BLACK COURT   |DUNLIN               |LUNG OF SARITEIA                 |078-20-5930          |[email protected]        |      61.0|   97.0|      95.0|      37.0|       1.0|     63.0|     17.0|                         97.0|                  63.0|        76.0|           75.0|                       87.0|  33.0|     17.0|            40.0|                      49.0|   23.0|           96.0|           40.0|                     22.0|1094.05|    20210010|

Resume of Country

metric               |amount|score               |
Total of Africa      | 12348|1.236281766999999E7 |
Total of France      | 12375|1.2399866199999932E7|
Total of EUA         | 12623|1.2667126720000027E7|
Total of Japan       | 12405|1.2454013400000053E7|
Total of England     | 12599|1.2621927350000009E7|
Total of Brazil      | 12540|1.2586295839999942E7|
Total of Norway      | 12586|1.262036918999996E7 |
Total of Participants|100011|null                |
Total of Russian     | 12535|1.254879237000005E7 |

Resume of Hogwarth

metric                           |amount|score            |
Total of Ravenclaw               |  3072|3075715.020000008|
Total of Slytherin               |  3098|3103050.570000002|
Total of Gryffindor              |  3200|3206314.879999992|
Total of Hufflepuff              |  3229|3236846.88       |
Total of Participents of Hogwarth| 12599|null             |


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