bing image downloader app

Open in Streamlit python streamlit terminal vscode

  • bing image downloader app is used to download bulk images for a specific search term.
  • bing image downloader app gets the search term and limit count from user using streamlit’s text_input and number_input to download images.
  • If user clicks the Search button and search term is empty then the app displays a warning message to the user
  • If user clicks the Search button and search term is not empty then the app search and download images to a folder.
  • Then call zipfile() function to compress the folder to a zip file for download.
  • Finally, When the user click the download button zip file is downloaded to their local machine.


To install all necessary requirement packages for the app

pip install -r requirements.txt

Downloader Function

# Search for the images, Download it and store it in a folder named same as the search term, limit=limit_number, output_dir=search_text,
                    adult_filter_off=True, force_replace=False, timeout=60, verbose=True)
  • query_string : String to be searched.
  • limit : Number of images to download.
  • output_dir : Name of output directory.
  • adult_filter_off : Enable of disable adult filteration.
  • force_replace : Delete folder if present and start a fresh download.
  • timeout : Timeout for connection in seconds.
  • verbose : Enable downloaded message in command prompt.

If the Search term is empty:

If the Search term is not empty:
