OpenZeppelin Nile

Navigate your StarkNet projects written in Cairo.

Getting started

Create a folder for your project and cd into it:

mkdir myproject
cd myproject

Create a virtualenv and activate it:

python3 -m venv env
source env/bin/activate

Install nile:

pip install cairo-nile

Use nile to quickly set up your development environment:

nile init
✨  Cairo successfully installed!
✅ Dependencies successfully installed
?  Creating project directory tree
⛵️ Nile project ready! Try running:

This command creates the project directory structure and installs cairo-lang, pytest, and pytest-asyncio for you. The template includes a makefile to build the project (make build) and run tests (make test).



Compile Cairo contracts. Compilation articacts are written into the artifacts/ directory.

nile compile # compiles all contracts under contracts/
nile compile contracts/MyContract.cairo # compiles single contract

Example output:

$ nile compile
Creating artifacts/abis/ to store compilation artifacts
? Compiling all Cairo contracts in the contracts/ directory
? Compiling contracts/Account.cairo
? Compiling contracts/Initializable.cairo
? Compiling contracts/Ownable.cairo
✅ Done


Deletes the artifacts/ directory for a fresh start

nile clean


Install the latest version of the Cairo language

nile install


Print out the Nile version

nile version

Hacking on Nile

Nile uses tox to manage development tasks, you can get a list of available task with tox -av.

  • Install a development version of the package with python -m pip install .
  • Run tests with tox
  • Build the package with tox -e build
  • Format all files with tox -e format
  • Check files formatting with tox -e lint


Nile is released under the MIT License.


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